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"Things are never quite as scary when you've got a best friend." - Dr. Seuss

Picture: Mall

Warning(s): scars

3rd person pov

"I promise you that if we see that bastard again, we will run out of here. Or I will fight him, whichever happens first." Noah said as he parked the car, "Alright. I'll trust you." Blake sighed fixing his hair and jacket sleeves. "C'mon they're waiting on us." Blake nodded stepping out of the car, Noah stepped out the car aswell walking to the other side where Blake was. He was breathing a bit heavily, "Hey. We're gonna be here for you." He smiled looking over at Alex and Christa who were looking at them both sympathetically.

He calmed down taking a deep breath and nodding, meaning he was ready. They all began walking inside the mall. Christa and Alex immediately going into a clothing store, while Brittney and Jay went into a book store. Blake and Noah, game store.

About an hour later they all met up at the fountain in the middle of the mall and headed to the food court to eat. "Alright here's the food." Brittney said placing down a tray of food along with Christa who was helping her being the food. They started passing around each others food until they each got their perspective meals.

"Thanks for paying for the food Blake!" Christa smiled taking a bite of her cheeseburger, "No problem. I was the one who held everyone back from getting here because I was asleep so I figured I should pay." He said with a monotonous voice drinking some of his soda. "In all honestly, no offense Blake. But to think that you and Noah are now friends and it's only been 3 weeks since he first joined the school!"

'3 weeks. The day after tomorrow will make it four. To think that I fell for him in the 3 weeks that I've known him..' Blake thought and smiled, "Hm Blake why you smiling?~" Christa teased, Blake's smile left and it was replaced with his usual stoic face. "Nothing, just still a bit tired and remembered something." Brittney and Christa looked at eachother, along with Alex who took out his phone checking the date.  April 11'th. 3 days until his dads birthday.

They again looked at eachother with a worried and sympathetic face, while Alex explained to Jay what was going on and Christa messaged Noah telling him.

Christa 🦋✨

His dad's birthday in a few day's..

'Oh crap-' Noah thought turning his phone off. "We should start heading back, the mall closes at 9:30 and it's 8:00. And I have to get back to Finn.." Brittney sighed, "Finn?" Blake asked, "Ah- He's a kid from my class who I've been talking with for a while. And he wanted to meet up for something." She explained beginning to stand up grabbing her bags, "Ohhhh!~ He might confess Britt!~ You're so oblivious to these things." Christa pouted at her cousin. And she wasn't wrong, Brittney wasn't the type of person to notice if someone had a crush on her, she always brushed it off as the person being friendly.

"I highly doubt that Christa. But I'll be going now, I had fun today." She smiled ruffling Christa and Alex's hair before waving goodbye to Blake, Noah, and Jay. After she started walking away, Christa began pestering Noah and Blake asking them if they were really dating or not. Of course they continued stating that they weren't dating and that they were just friends and only going to stay friends.

Alex and Jay explained to them how they met, what they usually talked about. And of course Christa was absolutely in love with how they met. The topic of sexualities came up, thanks a random conversation generator Christa thought it'd be fun to use.

Christa was bisexual, Jay and Noah were also bisexual but with a male lean. And lastly Alex and Blake were both gay, alongside Alex who was also asexual. They played truth or dare for about 30 minutes. Before they all began to get their things to start leaving. Noah and Blake said their goodbyes to Jay, Alex, and Christa as they headed to their car.

"Jeez Im sleepy..." Blake yawned buckling himself into the passenger seat, Noah laughed a bit sitting in the drivers seat, "Sameee." During the drive back they nigh started singing along to some of Blake's songs that he had in his playlist, it was a pretty fun ride to say the least. About a half a mile away from their shared house, Blake had fallen asleep, his head laying on the window. His lips slightly parted as he drew out soft breaths.

Noah really had to fight the urge to just stop the car and kiss the soft lips that he wanted to kiss again. Though he knew he shouldn't, yes he might have a crush on Blake. But he didn't want to make it to obvious. (It is obviously really obvious- ok back to the story-)

Once he parked the car inside the garage he turned over to Blake who was still sound asleep. He didn't wanna wake him up, so he just decided to get out of the car, walk over to Blake's side. And carefully pick him up bridal style and carry him inside the house and to his bed.

Just as Noah was about to set Blake down on his bed he felt him tug on his shirt, "Don't leave...." He mumbled sleepily. Noah smiled and took off Blake's jacket so he was more comfortable. But his eyes widened when he saw the scars on Blake's arm. He couldn't believe that he didn't notice, and he didn't expect this. Not from Blake.

The big bad, stoic, emotionless, Blake. Self harmed. He shook his head, deciding to just ask him about it in the morning. He placed Blake down back on the bed and slipped in next to him wrapping his arm around his waist, putting his head on his shoulder.

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