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"And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again." - John Mark Green

Warnings: cursing

3rd person pov

"Can I kiss you?". A simple question, but it meant the world to Noah. Blake on the other hand, didn't know what to say. 'So he does like me...?' He questioned in his head, he was just confused. For all he knew it could've been because he might still be a bit drunk and was just asking but it meant nothing. But he also remembered how some people say that drink people are the most honest. So he was really confused.

But. Blake knew in his heart that he wanted Noah to like him, he wasn't great with showing or talking about his feelings. But he was sure about his feelings this time, so this time Blake was the one who leaned forward and kissed Noah. He froze not expecting him to do it, but he gladly kissed back before he himself realized. So he pulled away, holding Blake's hand, "I'm sorry, are you sure you want to..?", Blake nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure." That was all it took for Noah to lean back in continuing their previous kiss.

Noah's pov

I could feel him run his hands through my hair slightly trembling, I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me making him sit on my lap. We pulled away again, he was panting trying to catch his breath. He buried his head in my shoulder when he mumbled something, "What was that Blake?" I teasingly asked. "I hate you.." I suppressed a laugh as I could feel him smile.


Christa, Alex, and Jay had came back over to the house a bit later after 3 all of them, especially Christa, were all really happy to see him. He was asked what he did during his time in Japan, he told us he got the job in the modeling agency, and won second place in a skateboarding competition. Also explaining how he met Derek, Diana, and JJ. Good, he didn't speak to Andrew after meeting him. I mean if he and Blake became friends it'd be fine, but I wouldn't be super okay with it.

"Can we meet them?" Alex asked, "Sure. I'll call them." Alex smiled nodding. Blake stood up going outside and I followed him, "So nosy Noah." He laughed dialing Diana's number. "Can't blame me I'm excited to see them all again!!!" I whined making him laugh. "Let's sit down over there while I call them." I nodded and we headed to the small table by the pool. We sat down but he got closer to me so he could lean his head on my shoulder. "Hey Diana, I wanted to ask if you, Derek and JJ wanted to come over. My friends wanna meet you guys." He stayed quiet so I assume she was saying something.

"No not yet. Wait no yeah it's fine." Weird.. "Great I'll text you the address." "Yes he Can smoke here." He laughed. "Alright bye." And with that he hung up and sent Diana his address. To which she responded, 'Cool cool! Be there in 30 😋!' He turned his phone off placing it on the table. "I missed you.." I heard him say, it shocked me. I knew he didn't really express his feelings much, as that's why he was called emotionless at school. I smiled grabbing his hand. "I missed you too."

With Diana and the others

"Alright so yes you can go Andrew but you have to wait in the car until we tell you to go to the backyard to speak to Noah okay?" Andrew nodded. He was finally going to be able to try and make things right with his brother, and he already knew what he was gonna say. They were all just currently waiting on Derek, "Where is he?!" Diana yelled, while Derek was busy trying to schedule an tattoo appointment.

He looked in his bag looking if he had any lollipops which he did and took a cherry and a pink gum one finally walking out of the room. After getting the car, Diana began driving them to Blake's place. "Alright, Derek will message you once you can go alright?" "Alright." They showed him where the door to the backyard was so he knew where to enter, before the other three left the car walking up to the door and knocking.

"Who is it?!" They heard someone say, "Ah it's-" "Christa I got it!" They then heard Blake yell. The door opened and there they saw Blake, "Hey guys come on in." He moved to the side letting them in. "Noah!!!" JJ yelled running up to and hugging him. "JJ!!" He hugged her back, "Gah I missed you!" He smiled, "I missed you to!" "So first we have Diana and JJ being cringey as fuck now you two." Derek laughed, Noah looked up laughing, "Hey it's the only and only bitchy gay ass Derek!" "And the only and only smurf man Noah!"

Noah stopped hugging JJ walking up to Derek and giving him a high five and giving him a hug. "Missed you asshole." Derek patted his back. "Missed you to dick." "Where's my hug??" Diana pouted, "Could never forget about you Diana." He gave her a big hug and she smiled happily. "Well guys, this is Derek, JJ and Diana." Blake said to Christa, Alex, and Jay. They waved at them, "Guys these are Christa, Jay, and Alex." They all waved back to them. "Oi forgot to mention, but Blake I scheduled an appointment for us to go get tattooed."

"Yes finally." Blake smiled, "You're getting tattooed?" Noah looked at Blake and Derek confused. "Yeah my first tattoo, and Derek's what like 5th tattoo?" He stifled a laugh, "Actually sixth. I'm getting two more." He smirked, "You have FOUR tattoos?!" Noah exclaimed, "Yeah..??" He took off the jacket he had on that showed his arm tattoos, and turned around the back of his shirt was loose so you could see the huge dragon tattoo, along with the skull and snake.

"When did you get all of these?!" Noah asked as Derek put his jacket back on, "Sophomore year I think? But anyways Blake the appointment is in like an hour so you wanna go now?" He asked Noah was going to continue pestering Derek about the amount of tattoos he had, but Blake cut him off. "Yeah let's go I'll drive." Derek nodded walking out the house saying bye to Diana and JJ along with everyone else. "Christa go with him so you guys can get the outfit now!" Noah then said to Christa, "Oh right! Alex, Jay get JJ and Diana up to speed on what's happening if they wanna know. Okay bye!" She quickly said running out of the house to catch up to Blake and Derek before they left.

"Alright!" Alex clapped his hands together, "Here's what's happening."

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