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"And all of a sudden I felt really tired. Like the world had drained me for everything I had." - bgt (?)

Warnings: implication of self h*rm + self hate

Do NOT read if you are not comfortable with any of the warnings mentioned.

3rd person Pov

"Blake! Alex come here and help me!" 'Alex?! She brought someone?!' He panicked, when the door to the equipment room opened he saw Christa stranded there with Vanessa or now Alex. "V?-" "My new name is Alex.." They smiled, "Ah okay.." He said, "Blake what the hell happened?!" Christa asked worriedly helping him stand up as he winced a bit at the pain. "I'll explain later, just take me home..." Christa nodded, "Alex can you go turn in the car I'll help Blake walk over." She said, "Got it!" They said running to the car.


"Alex stay here with him I'll head to the store to buy some ointment and bandages." Alex nodded helping Blake take off his shirt and lay down face front on the sofa. "Blake so what happened..If you don't mind me asking." They asked, Blake sighed and began explaining what happened.

"I'm so sorry Blake.." They said sadly, "Yeah..It was my fault for trusting a random stranger anyways." Alex's head shot up furrowing their eyebrows in anger, "Don't blame yourself! You couldn't have know that would happen therefore it isn't your fault nor should you blame yourself!" They said angrily but with a hint of sympathy, "Right...Anyways how far is Christa from here?" He asked. Alex took out their phone and typed something, "She said she's on her way back. That she stopped by the police station to report it." Blake nodded laying his head back down, "Let me wet the towel again," They said grabbing the small towel that was on his back and running to the kitchen to wet it again.

They came running back with the now warmish damp towel and placed it on his cut again. And on cue the door opened as Christa ran to them, "Kay so I got the ointment, some bandages, and some paninkillers. Thank you Alex for putting the towel, can you start opening the bandages while I put the ointment on him?" She said, Alex nodded and searched through the bad looking for the bandages she bought while Christa started putting the ointment on his cut. Blake hissed and winced a but at the burning sensation but it hurt less then what actually happened.

"There pass me the bandages please." She said helping Blake sit back up. "Here you go," They said passing Christa the bandages. She thanked them and began wrapping the bandages on Blake's back.

^like that basically

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^like that basically

"Thanks for the help you two." Blake said, "It's no problem but you cannot go to school.." Alex said to him, "Wasn't planning to.." He weakly laughed looking down, he still hated the fact that that happened to him. He hated himself, even though he knew it wasn't his fault. But he hated himself. "I think I'll just stay home for the week.." He added, "We'll tell the principal so they can excuse you for the week." Alex said going over to him and carefully hugging him. "We're here for you if you need anything." Blake managed time hug them back smiling, "I know Alex, and thank you both for that."

Timeskip ( it's Wednesday Noah's pov )

"Hey Christa!" I shouted and waved Christa over who was with, Vanessa. "Oh hey Noah!" She smiled walking over to me with Vanessa by her side. "Hey V how are you?" I asked them, "I'm doing okay! Also I go by Alex now so." "Got it, so Alex I'm glad you're doing okay." I smiled. I looked around looking for Blake to bother, "Are you looking for Blake?" Christa asked, "Yeah.." I smiled nervously, "He's not gonna be coming for the rest of the week." And now that worried him. Sure we were never close, but I was worried, so I decided I was just gonna ask either Christa or Alex if he was okay after classes were over. Luckily we only had 2 classes today due to a teachers meeting or something.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone tugging my sweater. "Noah c'mon we'll be late for class." Alex said looking up at me, "Right right. Let's go then." I smiled back at them as we staid goodbye to Christa as we started walking to the classroom.


"So Christa-" "I can't say.." she cut me off mid-sentence. "What do you mean 'I can't say' ?" She looked straight at me, and she looked sad with a mix of worry, "I can't say why Blake isn't coming for the rest of the week. He told me to promise him to not tell anyone..and he trusts me so-" "It's okay Christa, I understand. He's your friend and he trusted you with something so you can't break that trust." I grabbed her hand and smiled, "I'll just go visit him to see what's up." I said, she smiled but she seemed a little worried before saying, "Umm, like I said, I can't really say anything about what happened, but if you end up going to visit him, don't get him angry or do anything that'll upset him please."

I looked at her confused before saying, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind." She hugged me tightly before saying, "Thank you.." I hugged her back. Alex saw and smiled to themselves so I'm guessing they also knew what was going on.

With Blake (his POV)

'Fuck..this hurt more then when I was a kid...' I thought. I promised myself I wouldn't do this again after my father died, but I hated myself so much for what happened last night. If only I had just walked away from Charlie when sat down. He seemed nice, and I let that get in the way of my better judgment. That's why he was able to overpower me so easily.

I felt more hot tears run down my face, as I brought my right hand up wiping them off looking in the mirror. I looked down at my left arm to see the wounds. All of them dripping blood on the floor. I wiped the tears off my face and quickly got some bandages from the small drawer next to the sink and wrapped my arm in the bandage. I slowly lifted my arm to make sure I could still move it. I sighed and walked back to my room after cleaning the sink. I changed into a red oversized hoodie and stayed in my boxers.

I turned off the lights throwing myself on my bed and grabbing my phone.

Cocky little bastard 🤡

Heya Blake ;3
Can I come over?


Ah I just want to make sure you're okay since you didn't come to school today

Uhm. Sure, just let me know at what time

Is, 7:30 okay?

Yeah that's fine

See you later then 🥰😘
Seen 10 second ago

With Noah

'Huh? No response from that...?' I thought looking at the message. Blake always responded with "ew" or something along that like everytime I flirted with him. So yes now I was really worried.

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