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"Always pity the thinkers, for they are cursed with their own imagination." - Atticus

Picture: Blake's house / Room / Living room

3rd person POV

Blake sat on his bed tapping his sketchbook with his pencil. It had been 2 months since he was able to sketch something. And the last thing he drew in his sketchbook was the top half of a dragon.

^ His sketch (not my art)

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^ His sketch (not my art)

He groaned and threw himself back on his bed. He turned his head over to the right to see his guitar, he hadn't played it since he was 15. And no matter how hard he tried to play something, he didn't know what to do. He just felt, unmotivated. And his lack of motivation started the week of his fathers death 'anniversary'. His jacket was hung in his closet and he always stared at it whenever he would remember his father. He was always tough on him, whether it was making him exercise, or making sure everything he did was perfect. But there was also a soft side to him, if Blake had a bad day, or was having bad thoughts, his father always helped him. He would take him out and buy him food, or clothes, overall he did whatever he needed to make sure he was happy. So when Blake was 10 and found out that his father was dead, it hit him hard. He would constantly get flashbacks to when his father was alive. But he learnt how to deal with it.

He was about to grab his guitar when he felt his phone vibrate. He looked back to see that Christa had messaged him. He grabbed his phone and read the message.

Christa 😷❤️

Heya Blake!
I hope you don't mind but I gave Noah your phone number :)

Blake sighed, he should've expected this from her.

Why- just why would you do that

Because I know that as much as you hate him
You two seem like you would be a cute couple 😏

Christa that would NEVER happen.

Sure sure you say that now but in a few months you two are gonna be together 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Christa you're gonna make me throw up
But is that all you wanted to tell me?

Oh! Right, V wanted to know if you wanted to go over to their house tomorrow for something

What is that something?

They wanted to do a movie night and invited me, you, and Noah. So they just wanted to make sure if you wanted to go

Oh sure I'll go

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