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"Im in love with an idiot." - ???

Short chapter 😔

Warnings: minor cussing

Blake's POV

He's an absolute idiot. "Blakeeee!" "Get away from me Noah-!" I tried running away from him but tripped and fell on the couch. I was gonna get up when I felt myself get picked up by none other than Noah. "Caught you!" He laughed, I wrapped my arms around his neck smiling, "You're an idiot." "I know~ But Im your idiot." He hooked his arms under my legs before sitting down on the couch with me straddling him, my face still buried in his neck.

"Did you finish the assignment that you had?" Oh, the one of my favorite hobbies. That was months ago..well she did say I could turn it in whenever I wanted. "Yeah. I turned it in last night." He nodded moving his arms from under my legs to my waist hugging me, "So can we spend the day cuddling?" I quietly laughed nodding, "Sure, but your cooking today."

He groaned playfully, "Can we just order food??" "Hm..Yeah sure. Just for today though." I felt him kiss my neck smiling, "I love youu!" I smiled, he loves saying that.. "I love you to idiot." I felt him smile as we stayed like that, I'm really lucky to have him. My lovable idiot of a boyfriend.

With Alex and Christa

"Okay so you're going on a not a date-date?" Alex questioned, "Yeah- I asked her if she wanted to join me at the art museum" Christa said bashfully, last might she had messaged JJ if she wanted to go with her to the nearby art museum. Which she had responded with "Sure! ^^" But she doesn't know if she should call it a date or not- "Well whether it's a date or not, you have to look beautiful so c'mon let's pick you out an outfit for later!"

After trying on a few outfits, Alex decided that Christa should wear a black crop top, with black ripped jeans, flannel shirt, and white shoes. "What time is your not a date date?" She looked at her phone re-reading their messages, "It's 3:12...Oh shit it's at 3:30-" she panicked, "Ok go take a quick shower I'll get your things ready if she messages you I'll message back because I know how you text." "Alright thanks Alex!" She said grabbing the clothes and running into the bathroom to shower.

Alex started grabbing everything she needed, so her phone, her earphones, some money, gum, and more money. About 5 minutes passed and JJ has messaged her

JJ 💃🏻✨

Hey :)
I'm almost ready, I'll meet you at the museum 😊

Alex thought about what she would say for a bit before sending

Alrighty! See you there 😋

JJ 💃🏻✨ is typing...

See you! 🤗
Seen 2 seconds ago

Alex put Christa's phone in her bag as she got out. "Did she say something?" She said drying her hair. "Yup she said she would meet you at the museum! It's 4:21 so hurry! I told Jay to drive you there!" Christa nodded as she finished drying her hair putting her flannel on. "Jay says he's outside." Alex said quickly putting on his favorite shoes, and grabbing one of Jay's hoodies that he had stolen. "You ready for your not a date date?" "Very ready!" He smiled and nodded handing her her bag as they both headed downstairs and left the house.

Alex made sure to lock the door looking for Jays car, once he spotted him he waved him over and they both quickly got inside the car telling him where to go.

Once they got there

"Thanks for bringing me!" "No problem Christa! Good luck on your not a date date!" She smiled waving at them before running into the museum looking around for JJ. She checked her phone seeing it was 4:30 maybe she didn't actually come-


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