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"Expectation is the root of all heartache." - William Shakespeare

Warning(s): slight cuss words

Local Circus 🤡

Stoic Bxtch: Yo

Pam Beasley is typing...
Baby is typing...
New guy is typing...

Pam Beasley: Blake!!

Baby: Blake :D

New guy: Hello :)

Pam Beasley: How're you doing Blake?

Stoic Bxtch: Meh

Baby: :(

Baby: Is everything okay?

Stoic Bxtch: Yeah, just remembering some stuff.

Pam Beasley: :( I hope you start feeling better

Stoic Bxtch: How's Noah doing?

Pam Beasley: Oooooooooo~ ;)

Stoic Bxtch: Don't start please-

Baby: Awwww you're worried for Noah ☺️

New guy: I'll get him

Stoic Bxtch: Wait no-

New guy: To late he's grabbing his phone

Pam Beasley: Yay! :D

Baby: :D

Cocky Bastard: I am here

New guy: Read the past messages

Cocky Little Bastard is typing.....


Stoic Bxtch: No-

Baby: Yes he was ^^

Stoic Bxtch: I- Whatever

Pam Beasley: What a tsundere ;)

Stoic Bxtch: Y'know what-

Stoic Bxtch: Goodbye 😑

Cocky Little Bastard: Noooooooooo 🥺

Pam Beasley: Noooo Blake!!

Baby: :(

New guy: Wow poor Blake

I laughed reading the last of the messages as I put down my phone. '6:08, about 21 minutes until we leave. Might as well change.' I thought standing up and looking through my suitcase for some clothes.

I ended up grabbing some black boxers, black hoodie, white denim jacket, black knee ripped jeans, and white shoes. Heading to the restroom and showering. Afterwards I started changed drying my hair leaving it a bit messy. Looking at myself in the mirror, I could head a slight ringing in my ears but ignored it, as it happens a lot. I was about to leave my room, but I grabbed dad's jacket from my suitcase stuffing it into a backpack I was gonna take.

I then headed downstairs to see Kata sitting in the living room with two other people. A male with brown hair, and another male with dirty blonde hair. I couldn't hear what they were talking about though. But I couldn't really get closer without them noticing me-

"Blake?" Fuck- I was caught- All of them turned to face me, might as well go down. "Naegi, Togami this is Blake." Kata introduced me, "Sup." Was all I said, "Good to meet you Blake! I'm Makoto Naegi but you can just call me Makoto!" He smiled shaking my hand very energetically. "Nice to meet you to Makoto-?" I smiled nervously trying to get my hand back before he shakes it off.

When he finally let go, he turned over to the dirty blonde male who by what I know goes by Togami. "Say hi to him." I can hear Makoto whisper through a smile directed to Togami. He scoffed looking at me, "Hello Blake. I'm Byakuya Togami, you may just call me Byakuya." I nodded, "Nice to meet you as well Byakuya.." He hummed. "Guys. Blake here, is Juzo's son. So he is Blake Sakakura." Kata said, Makoto's eyes widened in shock along with a Byakuya who looked at Kata with a surprised look.

"Y-You're Juzo's son-...?" Makoto stuttered looking at me. "Yeah." I again smiled nervously, I'm guessing dad knew them both. "Does he know-" Kata glared at him as if telling him to just keep his mouth shut before shaking his head. Byakuya nodded. I was about to say something before I felt Makoto hug me, he's tiny- "I'm sorry for your loss.." "Gah- It's fine Makoto-" I awkwardly patted his back as he stepped away from me. Byakuya lightly slapped his head, "Ow-" He looked up at him as Byakuya shook his head aswell.

Makoto simply looked at him confused, he leaned down to Makoto's ear and whispered something to him. Makoto's eyes widened as he nodded and looked back at me. "Well I'm sure he would be very proud of you if he could see you right now." He smiled.

I nodded looking at the time, 6:21. "Kata are we about to leave?" I said, Makoto and Byakuya looked at Mata confused. They probably don't know I call him that- Kata seemed to notice the confused looks, "He calls me that. And yes Blake we can head out right now." I nodded checking my phone just to see I had 10+ messaged from the groupchat.

I put my phone away. "Well Naegi, Togami we can continue discussing this later. We'll be back in about an hour so I'll call you two over again." "It was nice meeting you two." I smiled before heading out of the house.

With Noah (3rd pov)

"Noah!!!" Christa threw herself towards him making him fall back on the couch. Before he could push Christa off him, Alex joined the fun and jumped on him aswell giggling. "Jay help me-" He groaned and Jay shook his head laughing. "Guys I can't breaaath-!" Noah whined laughing, Christa and Alex laughed getting off of him. "So are you gonna ask Blake out when he comes back?" Christa asked, and Noah stopped working.

"I-I um-.." His face flushed red as he hid his face in a pillow. He did think about it though. He was planning to ask Blake out on a date before he left to Japan but he couldn't find the right time, so Christa, Alex, and Jay were going to help him out. They were gonna plan everything, and I mean everything. To what Noah would say, where to ask him, and of course Christa would pick out his clothes.

"He's gonna be back in a few weeks so we have until then to prepare you!" Alex smiled clapping his hands excitedly, "I say you get him another skateboard. I found one that would seem like one he would have." Jay said burying his face into Alex's shoulder hugging him, "Yup he's right!" Christa agreed.

"Let's look for places so you can ask him out now so that we can start looking for clothes!" Christa exclaimed getting up, grabbing Alex and pulling him up, causing a small yelp to come from him as he was dragged outside and into the car. "Well I guess we're going now." Noah sighed standing up.

They headed outside after Noah locked the door to the house. He got into the car in the back with Christa and Alex. Jay then started driving to the same mall they went to a few day's ago with Blake.

"Alright let's go!!" Alex and Christa said at the same time unbuckling themselves and running out the car. "I am not running after them-" "C'mon Noah." Jay sighed turning the car off they both got out and walked into the mall already beginning to wonder where the other two went. Considering they didn't know where the store was.

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