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"Soulmate...When you no longer feel like something is missing.' - N. R. Hart

Picture: Noah (Left) and Blake's outfit (Right)

Warning(s): none

3rd person pov

Blake's eyes fluttered open seeing the tv playing a tv show. But by the light coming in from the window, it was probably still early morning. He was about to get up but he couldn't when he felt a warmth behind him. He turned his head around to see Koh fast asleep with his arms wrapped around Blake's waist. 'I should just let him sleep.' He thought laying back down and watching the show on the tv.

A few minutes later

Noah yawned catching Blake's attention, "Morning sleepy smurf." Blake smiled, "Morning.." Noah answered yawning again, "Let go of me so I can make some breakfast.." Noah looked confused for a bit when he realized he was still hugging Blake, "Gah sorry-" he said letting go of him. Blake stood up and headed to the kitchen. As Noah sat up he heard his phone ring.

Christa 🦋✨

Heya Noah!
I was wondering if me, Alex, Jay, and my cousin Britney can come over to the house :>

Noah didn't wanna answer without Blake knowing so, "Hey Blake! Christa asked if she could come over with like three other people!" He asked, "Sure!" Was all Blake said and Noah answered her

Yeah that's fine!

Great! We'll be there in like 20 minutes!

See you guys later then!

See ya!
Read 2 seconds ago

Noah out his phone down heading to the kitchen where there were some eggs cooked and placed on a plate along with some bacon. "She said they'll be here in about 20 minutes." He said sitting down, "Great, that gives us enough time to eat." Blake answered giving Noah a fork. Noah thanked him for the food as they both began eating.

"Thanks for the food." Noah said placing his dish in the sink. "Yeah no problem.." Blake yawned, "You okay?" Blake nodded rubbing his eyes, "Just woke up a bit early and couldn't fall back asleep." "You should get some rest later." Blake simply nodded and headed up to his room to get changed.

20 minutes later

"Blake they're here!" Noah yelled, but no response. "Is he asleep?" Christa asked, "No he was awake..I'll go check on him. Make yourselves at home." Noah have them all a smile and headed upstairs to Blake's room. He knocked and called him but there was still no response. Worried, he opened the door and saw he was fast asleep on his bed. 'I should probably wake him up..But he was sleepy. So I'll just leave him be.' Noah thought as he slowly closed the door to his room.

He walked back downstairs to see the other four talking amongst eachother. "So yeah he fell asleep." Christa looked over at him, "Ah that's okay then! Let him sleep for a bit and we'll figure out what to do for now." They all started talking about their favorite movies/tv shows and other things they enjoyed. Alex and Jay explained how they met which was absolutely adorable.

After about an hour or so passed and Blake finally came back down into different clothes than the clothes Noah had found him asleep in. "Goodmorning Blake!" Alex smiled waving at him, Blake said nothing and waved back smiling. He headed over to sit down on the couch lying with everyone else, and when he sat next to Noah and he layed his head on his shoulder. Still half asleep. Christa and Alex grinned looking at them while Noah's face went red.

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