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"When words fail, music speaks." - William Shakespeare

Warning(s): None

Pictures: Noah's outfits

Noah's pov

"And done! Noah take this first one and try it on." Christa handed him the first of four outfits, making sure to also give him the belt, necklace, chain, and shoes. He nodded heading up to the restroom changing and coming back down to show Christa the outfit on him, this went ok until he tried ok the other three and they all eventually agreed that Noah would wear the black sleeveless turtleneck, white long sleeved dress shirt, black pants, black socks, black shoes, with the belt and a silver chain attacked to it.

His hair would be brushed off to the side to give him a sort of 'bad boy'ish look. "Perfect!" "So can i take this off now it's itchy-" Noah moves the short sleeves rolling them upwards when Christa suddenly gasped, "Sleeves up! Now it looks even more perfect!!" "Right- Well I'm gonna take this off now" He sighed going back up to his room and changing into a black shirt and red sweatpants.

With Blake (his POV)

"Hey Kata Im gonna go somewhere later, so yeah-.." Can I really tell him I'm going to a skateboarding competition...? I don't even know- "Okay. Just be safe and don't stay out to late." He responded still focused on his paperwork or whatever it is that he was working on, "Got it-" Was all I said and ran up to my room.

I showered and changed into some black boxers, black jeans, black long-sleeve shirt, an oversized white shirt that I tucked in a bit, and just added some extra necklaces, along with a black belt with some chains attached.

I showered and changed into some black boxers, black jeans, black long-sleeve shirt, an oversized white shirt that I tucked in a bit, and just added some extra necklaces, along with a black belt with some chains attached

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Lastly I simply got some checkered black and white Vans. I started slightly panicking as I headed back to my room to grab my skateboard. 'Breathe...Just breathe...' I repeated in my head as I got it out, the memories immediately flooding back. I dropped it creating a loud sound hoping Kata didn't notice.

I sighed grabbing it again and getting a black backpack throwing in my knee and elbow pads  id just buy a helmet if there were any, as I forgot to bring mine before we came here. I grabbed my phone and earphones and headed downstairs not expecting Kata to be there so I just headed out messaging Diana.

Diana 🛹

Hey where do I meet you?

I turned off my phone connecting my phone to my earphones as I shuffled a playlist. Waiting for her response, it was 7:36 and it started at 8. And at that moment I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out again seeing it was Diana.

Just meet me at the place where we first met :) I'll be there in like 10 minutes!


Well time to start walking to ******* street again.

A few minutes later

And I'm here. But she's nowhere to be foun-

Honk honk-

"Heya Blake! In here!" She waved me over and opened the car door to let me in. I walked towards the car and got on, "Hold on tight we're going Fast in the Furious or we'll be late!" She smiled immediately starting to drive extremely fast, still making sure to not make us crash. We got there at 7:48 so we were good. She found a close parking spot to the entrance and as we headed there I saw all other kinds of skateboarding people. That looked like they were way more experienced than me.

Fuck me. I'm definitely gonna embarrass myself. "Alrighty follow me to the back, you'll meet a few of the other competitors, and one of the judges who's a good friend of mine you'll love him!" I nodded as she took me to the back and damn did I feel even more scared. "Hey we got fresh meat here!" Someone yelled laughing looking at me, "He looks pretty tough though." Someone else said looking me up and down, "Don't mean he's gonna win, at least not with me here." A male with black and blue hair, 6'7, my age so 18, heterochromia like eyes, and black eyeliner smirked.

"Don't listen to them, they're just cocky bastards who needs to keep shit to themselves!" She said the last parts louder for them to hear, "Did ya say something sweetie?" Another competitor retorted, "Yeah I did. And if ya want to keep your ass in this competition I suggest you keep your shit to yourself!" He all immediately stopped talking and she smiled victoriously and led me to where some of the judges were.

"Alrighty guys this is Blake the guy I was telling you guys about" She pushed me forward revealing three males and a fourth who I assumed was like the hot of something. Two of the judges had tattoos and seemed to be in there mid 20s to early 30s, the last judge seemed my age, he was 6'6, dirty blonde hair, silver eyes, and had this kind of proud, flirty, cocky arua.

"Name, age, school you go to, and how long have you been skateboarding." Said one of the tattooed judges handing me a clipboard, "Just finish this and you'll be out into the competition, also once you're done show us your skateboard please." I nodded as I began to fill in the form:

Name: Blake Sakakura
Age: 19
School: Black Diamond Highschool
Years of skateboarding: 7-8
Why you want to be in the competition: Don't know, I think just to see how long I can hold out before someone beats me out eventually.

I handed him back the clipboard and showed them my skateboard, feeling a little insecure about the design. They looked it over, as it was only a little scratched from the last time I used it. "Alright we'll put you in. You'll go after Derek." He said pointing at the same blue and black haired male from earlier. "Ah don't you think he can go after someone else-" She tried to ask, "Sorry Diana but that's the only spot we have available." She nodded, "There's still 7 minutes till it starts to get him updated on the rules."

They all left the room leaving me and Diana there alone. "Alright so the only rules are, no cheating, so like messing you others skateboards, and don't die/get badly hurt."

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