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"May my heart be the softest place you fall, may this love be the wildest place you run." - butterflies rising

Picture: Silver Owl College (not real name-)
Warnings: none

3rd person pov ( Years later )

"Hey Sammy, do you know if we had to turn anything in for class?"

"It's optional, but the professor should have sent the email to you with the assignment!" Sammy smiled, "Alright thanks." "No problem Blake!" Blake smiled thanking her once more before walking away. He put in one of his earphones walking past people who smiled and waved at him, "Hey Blake!" " 'Morning Pen." He waved at her, "Yo Blake! Love the fit!" "Thanks Wes."

A lot changed for him once college started. Instead of people avoiding him, people knew him. They talked to him, some befriended him. One of the people he grew close with was Sammy from his psychology class, and Wes from his photography class. He was studying to be a therapist, he wanted to help other people. Whether they were adults, or kids. He didn't care as long as he could help someone.

'Who would've known college would be so different...' He thought. But was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt an arm wrap around his shoulder, "Hey baby how was class?" He heard Noah say, "It was okay. We learned about body language today, and other stuff." He said taking out his earphone putting it back into the case to be able to listen to Noah.

"At least it's wasn't to boring as you usually describe it." Blake smiled, they were walking back to their dorm room that they shared with their other friends. Christa, JJ shared a room, Alex and Derek share a room, and Jay and Andrew share the last room. They all lived in the same dorm area so they always were always together.

"You have jury duty tomorrow right?" Noah nodded as they say down on a bench in front of their 'house'/dorm area. "Yeah, an attempted murder case." Blake later his head down on Noah's lap as Noah ran his hand through the others hair since it calmed him down a lot, " better not be late for our date.." Noah chuckled, "I won't bub I'll make sure to get here early." Blake smiled to himself, he had finally grown to like Noah's nickname for him, he didn't mind it anymore, "Okay then..if you're late I won't mind just so you know."

"I know babe." He leaned down giving Blake a kiss on his temple, "But still I'll make sure to get back here on time." They were planning to go back to their highschool to check on the gym. And have their date there once they finished cleaning. "Guys!" They heard JJ yell out, Blake got up from Noah's lap looking behind him and saw JJ. She looked pretty much the same, she had the same silver ombré hair, and was pretty much the same height. The only different was that her and Christa had started dating.

"C'mon, we're gonna start watching the movie!" She yelled once more before running back inside. Who could blame her, she was in a hoodie and shorts, and it was extremely cold. "Well let's head inside then," Blake said standing up, Noah stood up grabbing Blake's arm and pulling him back for a kiss. He smiled and happily kissed back, they separated both smiling, "If you want a kiss just ask for it. No need to pull me." Blake chuckled, "Hm, I prefer kissing you when you don't expect it."

Blake playfully rolled his eyes as they walked towards the door that led to the inside of their dormitory. Seeing everyone was sitting with their respective significant others. Christa with JJ, Alex with Jay, and Brittney with Diana. Brittney and Diana weren't exactly dating, they were seeing eachother but everyone just said they were dating and they didn't mind.

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