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"If it feels right, that's all that matters." - faraway

Warnings: cussing
Pictures: JJ's outfit, shoes, and new hair color / hairstyle

Christa's pov


I jumped hearing someone behind me. I turned around and saw JJ. "JJ you scared the bejesus out of me-" She giggled smiling. She was wearing a striped dress, white platforms, and her once ombré green hair was now a silver ombré. "JJ you look beautiful!" "Thanks!" "When did you change your hair?" I asked as we started walking around the museum, "After the court hearing Diana took me to the salon because I told her I wanted to change my hair, and we went with a silver ombré!"

We stopped at Van Goghs art station, "Well I think it looks beautiful." She looked up at me a small blush on her face, "Thanks Christa!"

With Noah and Blake

"Food should be getting here in 10 minutes." Blake nodded covering himself with the blanket, "Wake me up once it gets here.." He mumbled. Noah chuckled getting off the couch on getting on his knees near Blake giving his hair an giving him a kiss on his forehead. "Get some sleep." Blake weakly smiled who almost immediately fell asleep.

A few minutes later

"Blake..Food's here." He lightly shook him, his eyes slowly opened as he groaned, "hm..?" He yawned rubbing his eyes. "Food is here." He nodded still half asleep so Noah picked him up bridal style and took him over to the kitchen and sat him down on one of the chairs by the counter. "I'll make you some coffee." Blake simply nodded. Noah quickly made him some iced coffee passing him the cup, Blake drank it making sure not to drink it to fast to get a brain freeze and he felt more awake. 

"Let's eat" Noah smiled taking out their food from the bag. He had ordered them some Chinese food for the night. Though since Blake did just drink some coffee they'd probably stay up the entire night. They had school tomorrow, and Blake already knew how awkward it would be, to see all the girls start crowding all over him and asking him why he didn't go to the prom, or that they hoped to have gone with him, and other things. Sure Blake knew how to keep a poker face, but he knows it'll hurt him. Considering that they're now dating.

And he didn't know if Noah wanted to be public about it, Blake himself didn't know if he wanted to go public about their relationship. The big bad emotionless boy, dating the flirty, teasing, funny, optimism boy. 'How cliche.' Blake thought. But seriously. He liked how people knew him, because they wouldn't bother him, they never spoke to him because they knew that if they did or challenged him. They'd never win, that was a fact. But after the accident, Blake slowly started lowering his walls. He felt like he would actually have to work harder to keep his poker face on around Noah at school.

And he didn't want Noah to think he was embarrassed to be public about their relationship. He was simply, hesitant. Maybe he should bring it up, maybe he shouldn't. He didn't know. He'd probably just bring it up tomorrow.
Next day

"Blake!! We're gonna be late!" Noah yelled from the first floor. Blake was currently trying to look for his shoes. Which were literally next to his bed last night and they just decided to disappear now. "Shit shit shit shit- fucking finally!" He yelled as he finally found his shoes. His once clean and neat room was now a mess. "Whatever I'll fix it after school." He groaned putting on his shoes. Tucking in his shirt before putting on one of Noah's hoodies. A black one with some white strips at the sleeves that went perfectly with his ripped jeans and checkered shoes.

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