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"The unfed mind devours itself." - Gore Vidal

Warnings: implication of r*pe ( Do NOT read if you are not comfortable with that. )

Picture: Blake's skateboard

3rd person POV

"Thanks for letting us stay the night V." Blake said hugging them as they hugged back smiling, "No problem! I had fun yesterday and feel free to come over whenever!" They smiled letting go of Blake. "Thanks V. We'll get going now." He said walking to the car where Noah was waiting. Christa and Vanessa walked back inside the house closing the door as Noah and Blake drove off.

During the drive home

"So. Do you want me to just take you to your house? Or back to mine so you can pick up your car?" "Just take me home please, I can pick up my car another day." He smiled fixing his hair, "Alright." The rest of ride was pretty silent, though Blake didn't notice that small side glances Noah would give him. Admiring his features. His sharp jawline, his gold, silver, and black ear piercings, his long eyelashes, and his glowing crimson red eyes that seemed to shine brightly when they were in the sun.

"Is there something on my face?" He suddenly asked Noah flinched realizing he was staring at him for a while, "No sorry." He quickly said turning away, Blake raised an eye confused before the car came to a stop. "Well we're here." He said Noah nodded grabbing his phone stepping out of the car and walking over to Blake's side of the door. "Thanks for the ride." He smiled, "No problem. I'll see you at school." Noah nodded walking to his house and looking back one more time to see that Blake was already gone. 'Damn he drives fast-" He smiled before walking into his house.

With Blake

'Maybe I could go skateboarding later. Haven't done that in a while.' He thought staring at his computer. He was working on an assignment the teacher had give him, and only him. The teacher wanted him to write about his hobbies. The only thing that he currently had written was the date. No one except Noah, Christa, and V knew about him being able to draw and play the guitar. But he wasn't really ready to disclose that to a teacher. He sighed beginning to type.

"A current hobby that I enjoy to do is skateboarding. When I was about 11 my father had bought be a starter skateboard telling me that he had seen my interest in skateboards. Proof by the many tabs I had on different skateboards. So after that I taught myself, along with some help with my father, how to learn how to ride a skateboard." He stopped. That was all he could really say on him knowing how to skateboard. He looked at the time, 1:30 pm. He needed to find a way to kill time, whether that was drawing watching a movie or just sleeping.

He took the obvious option, and went to sleep.

With Christa and Vanessa

"Hmmm... Oh this one sounds good! What about Bailey?" Christ said looking over at Vanessa, "Hm, I don't really like it.." "That's okay let's look for a different one!" She smiled, Vanessa nodded looking down at their iPad continuing to look for some gender neutral names for them. After a good while of searching, Christa gasped excitedly, "What about Alex?!" She smiled, Vanessa's head shot up and nodded furiously, "I love it!" They smiled, Alex ran up to Christa hugging them and thanking them for helping them find a new name. "It was no problem Alex! I'm always here to help you." She smiled.

"Also I said the flag you had in your closet when I was looking for something for you to wear." Alex's eyes widened a bit, "R-Really..?" They stuttered, "Yeah. You're asexual?" She asked, Alex nodded, "You should've told me! You know I would never judge you!" She said smiling warmly at them. They smiled back glad that she accepted them, "Thanks Christa, Im glad to be your friend." They continued hugging them. "Now c'mon let's go but some new clothes!" Christa said excitedly Alex smiled and jumped off of Christa putting on their boots. "Let's go!" They smiled Christa nodded running's free Alex who was running down the stairs.

Timeskip ( With Blake )

7:30, Blake woke up rubbing his eyes. 'It's a little dark out. So I could go now.' He thought standing up and fixing his hair chasing into some black knee ripped pants and black hoodie. He grabbed his skateboard and head out of his house riding to the nearby skate park that he would always go to. He took out his earphones ( a/n: AirPods 😎 ) and played his music. ( play song up top if you want ) He stretched a bit before beginning to ride down the ramp.

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This went on for a few hours until his stopped to take a breather. He sat down on a nearby bench still playing his music as he layed his head back looking up at the sky. That was until he saw a hand being waved above his face. He looked to the side of him to see a male, about 6'2, dirty blonde hair with black roots, baby blue eyes, and he also had some black ear piercings. "Ah Sorry." Blake said taking off his earphones, "It's okay. I was just gonna ask if I could sit here with you." The male asked, Blake nodded and the male sat down next to him.

"Nice skateboard, the design looks really cool." He smiled, "Thanks, I bought it a few months ago but I haven't used it until now." Blake explained looking down at it. "Well it looks cool." He smiled, "So what about you? Do you like skateboarding?" Blake asked, "No..I'm more of a basketball person. I came with a few of my friends to play but they're running late." He smiled nervously, "Sorry I forgot early just Hi my name is Charlie." "Nice to meet you Charlie, I'm Blake." He said, "Thats a nice name." Charlie smiled, "Thanks..." They were silent a bit, not really knowing what to say. As for Charlie who was coming up with a plan.


"Well Blake." He said, "This was fun but I gotta get going~" Charlie smirked fixing his shirt before walking away. Blake panted heavily, holding his shirt to his chest, his eyes slightly closed as tears ran down his face, he was trembling on his knees and his back was in pain. He flinched he tried to stand up. He sobbed quietly, wiping off the tears from his face as he forcefully began to put his clothes back on, trying to ignore the amount of pain he was feeling. He shakily got his phone and dialed Christa's number.

"Blake? Whats up!"

"I need you to come pick me up please..." He tried not to stutter but he couldn't stop his breathing to come out to shaky

"Blake are you okay..?"

"J-Just please come pick me up...I can't drive.." He began crying again,

"Where are you! I'll go pick you up!"

"I'm at the skatepark..."

"I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

The call ended immediately after she said that. Blake continued crying and shaking, his just knew he would get a bruise on his back from what happened.

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