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"Like breathing, loving you is the most natural feeling I've ever known." - Alicia N Green

Warnings: smoking, cussing,

Pictures: New tattoos ( Derek: Chest - inner thigh tattoo / Blake: Arm tattoo [ I had to change it last minute ] )

3rd person pov

"So did it hurt?" Derek asked, "Not as much as I thought it would." He laughed. They were sitting down on a bench?* meanwhile Christa was looking for clothes for Blake to wear to prom. "C'mon try this one on!" She have him a white dressing shirt, black tie, blackish blue coat, black knee-ripped pants, with some black sock and white shoes. He walked into the changing room putting on all the clothing, and then walked out, "So uh- How's this..?" Blake said looking at Christa with a questioning look.

"AMAZING!!!" She yelled smiling getting weird stares from the other people in the shop, "S-Sorry!!" She nervously giggled, "Anyways..- This one looks perfect on you! Right Derek-?" She looked to the side to where Derek was supposed to be sitting. Keyword: supposed as he was no where to be found. "He might've just gone to the restroom. Anyways let me take this off so we can pay for it." Christa nodded letting Blake go ahead and change back into his regular clothes. Coming back out with the outfit folded neatly as they headed to the register to pay for said outfit.

They payed and headed out the store and to the car seeing as Derek was there sitting inside the car. The knocked on the window catching his attention and he unlocked the doors letting them in. "Why'd you disappear like that Derek?" Christa asked, "Had to use the restroom real quick and so I figure id wait out here." He explained turning the car on. "Okay, next time just tell us." Blake said earning a nod from Derek.

Once they get back to the house

"Alright he has his outfit!" Christa told Alex who nodded before looking at Derek, Diana, and JJ. He smiled and stood up walking over to the taller people, "How long are you guys gonna be staying?" He asked, they glanced at eachother, "for a few months." Derek said, Alex's eyes glowed up in happiness, "Would you guys like to come to prom with us?" "Sure!" JJ answered smiling excitedly.

"Do you guys have something to wear?" They all nodded and Alex only smiled nodding slipping back to Jay hugging him. "Well I'll send you all the address of where the prom is happening and the time!" Christa said. "Wait I thought prom was at school-?" Blake asked, "Uh-.." Christa stalled looking at Noah, "Not for this year's seniors." He added and Blake nodded. Diana snapped her fingers trying to catch Blake's attention as she grabbed her phone. He looked over at her confused and she signaled for him to take out his phone.

Diana 🛹

I told Andrew to go to the backyard already so try to figure out an excuse to get Noah out there!!

He read the message looking back up at her and nodding. He put his phone back unit his back pocket and walked over to Noah, "Hey can i talk to you outside real quick?" Noah hesitantly nodded going outside with Blake, walking behind him. They went outside and when Blake stood back letting Noah get in front of him, almost immediately he noticed the presence of his older brother.

"No." He said about to walk back when Blake stopped him. "Talk to him." He said sternly, "No." Blake groaned running back to the door to get back inside, going into the house and locking the door. "Go fucking talk to him or you aren't coming back in here any goddamn time soon." Noah groaned crossing his arms and walking over to his brother with a frown.

"What're you doing here. I thought I told you to never come near me nor mom." Andrew looked at him and sighed, "Please just let me explain why I'm here and why I was always don't need to forgive me I just want to explain." Noah simply say down at the table that was there and looked up at Andrew. "Then explain."

With Blake

"How do you think it's going...?" "Horrible." Derek stated bluntly, "Derek!" JJ punched his shoulder getting to reaction from the taller male, "What? Noah's been pissed at him for a while now, he won't just forgive him that easily." Diana nodded in agreement, "Yeah...I hate to admit it but he is right.." "Told ya." JJ sighed, "But we have to hope everything goes okay..."

Back with Noah & Andrew

"Then explain." Andrew sighed sitting down across from Noah, "The reason I was gone most of the time, was because as you know I was studying in Japan." Noah nodded, his eyebrows still furrowed in a bit of anger but he was trying to remain calm. "I was studying to be a therapist. So I needed to be in class a lot because of the psychology classes." Noah's eyes widened, 'He never told us...' "Therapists earn a fairly good amount of money, I wasn't doing it for the money, but to help others. The money was simply to buy a house somewhere else away from Dad."

"The day you told me to never come back. It fucking hurt. But I deserved it, for never telling you guys what I was doing or why I was always gone." Noah had nothing to say. He was shocked to say the least, "Why didn't you just tell us?" He finally said something. "Because knowing mom she would have told me to not worry about earning money to move us out." "You don't know that." "Huh?" Noah slammed his hand on the table, "You don't know that! You were never home! She was constantly being beat up!"

"I-I know that- But I didn't know it was that bad.." "Well it was horrible." "Look Im sorry okay...I just wanted to make things better with you to be able to talk with my brother.."

Noah's pov

He wants to make things better. He's an absolute dumbass. "Look." I said catching his attention, "I don't forgive you." I said bluntly, his expression faltered to one of guilt and sadness, "But." He looked back up at me with hope, "I don't mind having you around. But it's gonna take a lot more then a fucking sorry to make me forgive you." He nodded, "I can live with that!" I hummed and stood up as he followed me back to the door. I knocked catching Blake's attention.

He walked back towards the door looking besides me and saw Andrew so he opened, "How'd everything go?" He asked, "Good I guess. I still don't forgive him yet." I walked past him going up to my room, he was gonna say something but he stayed quiet. I shouldn't be mad at Blake...I'm sure he helped Andrew in a good intention of making things better. It's my fault. For basically banning Andrew from ever speaking to me or mom.

I ruined everything.

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