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"Alright class, today will be a free day to get to know the new student! He should be here in few minutes." Almost immediately, every girl in began fixing their hair, taking out their lipstick or lipgloss out of their bags, and just making sure they looked nice. The males on the other hand were wondering if the new kid was athletic, and wondering if they would join one of the sport clubs. All expect one male. Blake Sakakura, the "alpha" male of the school, he was to focused on reading his book then to bother to even pay attention what the teacher said.

"Everyone he's here so please welcome the new student and your new classmate, Noah Morales!" The teacher said happily looking over to the classroom door.

A 6'5 male with gorgeous royal blue hair with some white strands, walked into the classroom. As he stood in the front next to Ms.Salvador he smiled warmly. Every girls heart was beating quickly as they looked at the males striking silver eyes. "Thank you Ms.Salvador for that amazing introduction. I greatly appreciate it." He said still smiling, he turned back to the students placing one hand on his waist and with the other he brushed some hair out of his face. "Well, as Ms.Salvador said, my name is Noah. I'm 18 years old, I play basketball, and I'm happy to be attending such a wonderful school. I'm sure we will all get along just fine." He said, this time his sweet smile, morphed into one of an animal who was watching their pretty closely. His once sweet eyes, now seemed to be stabbing imaginary knives into everyone with his piercing glare.

The students knew this stare, they've felt this stare before. They're received a similar but more deadly stare by Blake. They all looked at Blake who was still to focused on his book. Noah took notice of this. Looking at the male with jet black hair and red tips. Smiling to himself. As if he had been in the school for years, he knew immediately that this male was the boss of everything and everyone. The student sitting behind Blake, kicked his chair catching his attention. "What the fuck." He said angrily looking back, before the student looked back at the front of the classroom where Noah was.

Blake looked to the front of the classroom, his crimson red eyes meeting with Noah's silver eyes. It clicked for him, as soon as Noah smirked the moment their eyes met, Blake immediately knew that he would absolutely hate having him around. Their stare off continued, the students including the teacher could feel the tension rising every moment.

This was going to be a fun yet very interesting year.

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