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"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even out troubles." - Charles Chaplin

Short chapter.

Warnings: slight cussing

JJ's pov

"So you're gonna go back next week?" Diana asked, "Yeah. I was gonna go back at the end of the month but I miss my friends." "He misses Noah." Derek added, "Are you two dating?" I asked, "No-..." "Can I tell em?" He asked looking at Blake who nodded, "When Noah transferred to his school, he flirted with Blake. Like mad flirted. And you know.." "HE ONLY DOES THAT WITH PEOPLE HE LIKE LIKES!!" Diana exclaimed excitedly and I smiled happily, Noah flirts with many many people. But when he actually starts to like someone- They're gonna be really lucky.

"Yeah but I don't like he like likes me-" "Then you're dense as fuck. Just ask him straight up." "You're not the best person to be giving relationship advice Derek." "Shut the fuck up." Oh no.. "But it's true!" Diana said, he looked at her drinking setting his coffee down the table roughly, clearing his throat. "Why because I fuck once, maybe twice and then never contact them again?! It's not my fucking fault I don't settle!" He basically yelled slamming his hand on the table shocking us all. "Derek..- I'm sorry-" Diana tried to say, he scoffed  "Whatever Diana." He stormed out the store, "I'll go check on him..." I told them standing up and heading outside.

He was sitting on the bench by the diner smoking. He always smokes when he's stressed..and I hate seeing him smoke. But I can't stop him. I sat down next to him leaning my head on his shoulder. "You okay?" He took his cigarette out his mouth, blowing out the smoke in the opposite direction of me, he knows I hate the smell of smoking. "Yeah. Just needed a smoke." "But you smoke when you're stressed..." "I know. But I'm fine JJ." I'll choose to believe him. So I didn't say anything. We stayed like that for a bit when we say Andrew walk up to us.

"Hey guys." I waved at him but Derek didn't. He just stared at the ground still smoking. He pointed at him was a questioning look, I softly shook my head and he understood. "Y'know those are bad for you." Andrew said sitting down next to him. He shrugged continuing to smoke. "I'll meet up with you guys at the skatepark. I'll walk there." He said standing up, "But it's far-!" "It's fine JJ." He said and started walking away.

I was gonna say something to try and convince him to just wait up for us but I felt Andrew place a hand on my shoulder. "I'll go with him. Make sure he's okay." I nodded, "Thanks Andrew.." he smiled saying it was no problem and ran trying to catch up to Derek. I could see he caught up so I went back inside to tell Diana and Blake.

"Derek decided to walk to the skatepark. Andrew went with him to keep him company." "Does he know I'm sorry...?" Diana asked sadly, "Of course he does." Me and Blake said at the same time. "You guys are close friends so I'm sure he knows that you're sorry." He reassured her and she nodded. "So should we meet them there?" She asked, Blake and I said sure so we headed back to her car and started driving to the skatepark to meet Derek and Andrew there.

With Noah

"So he might be coming home next week!" Noah nodded smiling, Christa continued to jump up and down excitedly. "Okay so we have everything ready." She handed Blake a piece of paper.

Place: Private Garden
Time: After (song)
How: will be explained at the party

"Did you guys already decorate the house and the private garden?" Alex nodded taking out his phone showing him a picture.

"Did you guys already decorate the house and the private garden?" Alex nodded taking out his phone showing him a picture

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"That's the entrance, and this,"

"That's the entrance, and this,"

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"That's where you'll ask him. He hid some speakers in the grass, he won't see them and we'll play some calm slow music for you guys, we also added some lights on the top part which will be on once you guys start going there." Alex explained. Noah was absolutely stunned at how they decorated everything, it all look beautiful. "We already have your outfit and Christa will help Blake get dressed when he gets back. She and Blake will meet us all there so we have time to explain how you'll ask him out."

This time Jay explained, "This seems more like a wedding-" Noah laughed, "He's right- But for your wedding we'll make it even better!" Christa smiled, Alex nodded in agreement. "Well then. Let's go to the house so we can show you around and show you how everything looks!"

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