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"Now that I know you exist. How could I not love you?" - butterflies rising

Warning(s): mention of r*pe

Noah's POV

I was currently heading to Blake's house. Yes I was worried, no. I was extremely worried. First he doesn't come to school, then he doesn't give a witty response when I flirt with him. It was mostly the second one that worried me the most but you get the point. I walked to the door knocking twice and waiting for a response. Nothing. So I took out my phone and messaged him

Future husband 😘♥️

Heya Blake I'm here already ;)

Okay. I'll be down in a bit

Alrighty 😗
Seen 1 minute ago

Again no witty response. He must not be in a good mood. Well Christa did tell me not to get him angry or irritate- "Hey Noah." I hear him say snapping me out of my thoughts. I look down at him immediately noticing his puffy eyes, 'He's been crying...' I thought, "Hi Blake. Can I come in?" I smile, he nods moving out of the way letting me walk in. "Do you want anything to drink?" I heard him say with a quiet voice, which was weird. "Sure!" I say smiling, "What would you like?" He said walking to the kitchen, "Anything is okay." He nodded and looked in the fridge as I stood waiting for him.

"Here." He handed me a soda, "Thanks.." He nodded again heading over to the sofa. I followed and sat down next to him. "So why'd you wanna come over?" He said with a flat voice. 'I forgot I was supposed to tell him why.' Noah thought to himself as he went to sit down on the other side of the sofa.

"So are you gonna tell me or not? Or did you just come here to waste my time." He said coldly as he started to walk away to head to the kitchen. Noah quickly grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back. "Wait Blake-" Thing is, Noah didn't realize how hard he actually pulled on shirt. A little to hard then he actually meant to. At the sudden pull, Blake fell backwards and fell on his back. He flinched at the pain that went throughout his back and yelled, "Noah what the fuck?!" He glared at Noah with a death stare. Noah quickly got on the floor, "I'm so sorry, but you barley hit the floor with little force? How did it hurt that so much?" He asked.

Blake's eyes widened, 'Crap.' He thought, "It didn't hurt you just surprised me." He frowned looking away ignoring the pain on his back from the still unhealed wound. "Blake. I came because Christa told me you weren't feeling well. So what's wrong." He grabbed Blake's hand in an attempt to make sure Blake knew he was actually worried for him. "What's wrong?" He asked again. Blake flinched when Noah suddenly grabbed his hand and moved his hand to get out of Noah's grip. "It's nothing damn it. Don't worry about it." Blake responded as he put his back onto the sofa in attempt to try to ease the pain.

"Blake please tell me what's wrong. I just wanna help." He made a sort of sad/worried face. Blake felt a shiver down his spine when he noticed how worried Noah actually was, but for some reason he responded with, "Its nothing Noah. Why would you care anyways, I hate you and you know that. You shouldn't care about me." He said looking away crossing his arms.

They stayed quiet for a bit before Noah sighed and said, "Well I don't hate you," Blake looked up and looked at Noah in the eyes before noticing that Noah was already looking at him, "Blake I might tease you and follow you around a lot but, it's just something I do lot. But I don't hate you." He smiled, "So will you please tell me what's wrong with you...?" He added. Blake sighed, 'I cant believe in gonna tell him..' he thought before nodding. "I'll tell you.."

Blake's POV

Damn.. I can't believe I'm gonna tell this idiot. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought he would actually be. I always considered him annoying because of how much he follows me around.

"Blake...? You okay? You spaced out." He asked me kind of concerned. "Oh, yea I'm fine." I scratched my neck, "So are you gonna tell me..?" He said while looking right in my eyes. "Right.." I paused for a bit, I was pretty nervous. "I think it'd be best to just, show you.." I looked away, I tried to stay calm. "If that's what you think is best then sure" he said giving me a reassuring smile. I stood up and grabbed his arm and dragged him to my room.

He started looking  around again despite him being here before, "Hey come over here before I change my mind." I said to him with a nervous voice. He walked over to me, I turned around making my back face him. I started trembling a bit again, and I hesitantly started to take off my shirt.

After I had taken off my shirt I heard a gasp come from behind. I shivered at the feeling of a hand on my back, "How did this happen Blake?" He asked, he sounded worried but, a bit angry..he continued to examine the bruise, not even considering how goddamn cold his hands were. "I.. fell backwards while riding my skateboard..?" I tried to lie and nervously laughed. "Stop lying to me Blake. Just tell me the truth." He responded sternly. I thought he was a complete idiot, I guess he's smarter then he actually acts.

"It happened at a skatepark.. when a guy pinned me to a wall. But he pushed me to hard and the force to the wall cut me a bit" I could still feel his hand on my back, it wasn't moving and I immediately knew what he was gonna ask next, "Is that all that he did to you..?" I knew it. Of course he would ask that. What did I expect. "No.. that wasn't all." I started mildly shaking again. "He..." I took a deep breath to try to calm down, "Blake, if it's to much you don't need to tell me." He said with a soft voice, I nodded taking another deep breath to calm myself down. "he raped me.."

I didn't hear a response do I assumed he was disgusted. I laughed at myself, and here I though Noah would be understanding- I suddenly felt him hug me..? "Noah?" I heard some small crying behind me, "Noah why are you crying..?" I felt his embrace get tighter, "I'm sorry that happened to you.. and I'm crying cause I get really emotional about these kinds of things.." his embrace softened, and for some reason, I felt safe. I smiled softly before I finally snapped back to reality realizing that Noah was hugging me, I tensed up and tried to push him off me, I guess he felt me trying to get out of the hug so he let me go.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said as he backed away from me as if to give me some space. "I can leave now if you want." He added, I wanted to yell out 'Yes Noah can you please leave..!' But for some reason I responded with, "You can stay over if you want to, I don't care." I said putting my shirt back on. I noticed him smile once I had finished my sentence.

5 minutes later

"Hey you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him as he walked out the restroom. I had let him change into some of my clothes for the night. "Yea sure!" He smiled happily as he sat down next to me on my bed. "What do you wanna watch?" I handed him to control, "Should we watch the fourth Final Destination movie?" He asked, "Yea that's fine." "Okay!" He scrolled until he found the movie and pressed play on it. I looked over at him and I noticed how he was staring at me, his eyes were locked onto me? "Noah you okay?" He snapped back to reality, "Oh! Yea I'm fine sorry!" He quickly turned away watching the movie. I shrugged it off and turned back to the screen.

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