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"I hope you understand, you need your own love more than they do." - D h i m a n

Warnings: smoking, cussing, alcohol

Blake's POV || 1 week later

Well, it's time to go back. I told Kata last Friday that I would leave early and he was surprisingly okay with it. I already messaged Noah he said he would stay up to make me some food, I told him that I would be going back with some friends. Meaning Diana, JJ, and Derek. Along with Andrew but I didn't tell him that. At least not yet.


"So you're coming with us?" I asked, "Yeah, I wanna try to talk to Noah. Myself. Without asking for anyone's help in contacting him." I nodded, it was nice to see that Andrew wanted to speak to Noah and try to set things better. "He's gonna be staying with us in the hotel until he's ready to Y'know. Approach Noah." JJ said, "Sounds like a plan. I'll make sure not to tell Noah he's coming along, only you three."

Flashback end

And so here we are. We're on a plane heading to California. All currently just talking amongst eachother. Well except me and Derek. We were both busy listening to music, I was nervous and music always helped me, but I'm not really sure about Derek. Luckily he was sitting besides me so I tapped his shoulder catching his attention, I wrote down in the notes app on my phone, 'You okay?' I handed him the phone and saw that he began typing.

When he handed me the phone back it read, 'Yeah. Just thinkin about some stuff. I could use a smoke but we're in the fucking air so ✌🏼🤡' I laughed a bit reading the message and the emojis he chose to use. He noticed and scoffed smiling, 'Well once we're on the ground let's get a quick smoke before you guys head to the hotel.' I gave him back the phone, he quickly typed, 'Sounds good' and with that he continued listening to his music.

After the flight

"Finally we're here...!" Derek groaned stretching, "You could've slept the entire flight and you would be fine!" I was listening to them all talk but I was messaging Noah. It was 2 in the morning, there's no way he stayed up this late-

Cocky little bastard 🤡 is calling

What the fuck why is he awake this late-

I answered the call to which I received a yawning Noah. "Blake you here yeeeeet...?" "Yes Noah we just landed. Go to sleep, I'll be home in a bit." "But I wanna Wait up for you-...!" And then I heard him, throw up?- "Noah you okay??" "Ah Sorry Blake! He had to much to drink!-" "He drank..? What did you guys do yesterday-" "Brittney and Jay brought drinks, and yeah- things went downhill after that and all he'll broke loose. Noah is really drunk" "Just put him in his bed, I'll be there in like an hour." "Got it! Byeeee!" She hung up and I sighed, why would they get that tall baby of a man drunk?-

"I'm guessing you have to go?" JJ said looking up at me, "Yeah I'm sorry, Noah got drunk and I doubt any of them know how to make ginger lemon tea." "Ohhhh tea! That one really helps with hangovers!" "Exactly Diana, but like I said I gotta go." I grabbed my suitcases and started to call for an Uber-

"Alrighty just message us when you get home!" I nodded waving at them all before walking out the airport and waiting for the Uber, which got here fairly quick.

With Noah

"Is he coming alreadyyyyy???" Noah drunkly asked, "Yes yes he's on his way here.." Alex patted his back trying his best to calm him down. Brittney had already left with Christa and now it was just Jay and Alex who were waiting to leave once Blake got there. Jay was a bit tipsy, but not much where he couldn't drive so that was fine. And Alex didn't drink, the smell of alcohol itself made him gag so he steered away from that.

A few hours passed and they heard the door start to unlock. At this point Noah was passed out, asleep. "Where is he?" Alex heard him ask, "His room with Alex." Alex heard their footsteps approach them when the door opened. Alex smiled happily and jumped up to hug Blake, "I'm so glad you're back!" He whisper yelled, to not wake up Noah. "I'm glad to be back, i missed you all." Blake hugged him back, "Jay you guys should get home, I'll take care of Noah." Jay nodded saying how he was also glad he was back, that everyone really missed him.

They left leaving Blake and Noah alone in the house. Blake moves his suitcases up to his room before going back downstairs to start preparing some ginger lemon tea for Noah once he woke up. It was currently 3:48 in the morning, so Blake decided to check up on Noah to make sure he was okay.

Going into his room his saw him now sprawled on his bed, the blanket not covering him at all so he was shivering a bit from the cold. Blake quietly walked over to him and covered him with the blanket checking his temperature, he was fine so Blake was gonna leave when he felt him grab his wrist. "Hm..Don't leave..." he mumbled but Blake heard him. He sat down on the floor holding his hand to make sure he fell back asleep okay.

Another 2 hours passed so it was now about 6:29. When Noah woke up he rubbed his eyes and his head was absolutely killing him. He groaned in pain when he heard the door open, "Morning drunky." His eyes widened hearing the once emotionless, stoic, now slightly softer but still a bit flat voice of Blake. "Blake...!" He was gonna stand up to hug him but his headache prevented him from doing just that.

"You have a hangover. Here drink this." He handed him the cup of tea, sitting in the bed with Noah, "It should help a bit." Noah nodded drinking some of the tea, "I'm happy you're back now." Noah smiled, "I'm glad to be back." "Christa is gonna be coming back later, she wants to take you shopping for your prom outfit." "Of course..Well it's not like I can back out now." Blake stifled a laugh looking a the the ground, so he didn't notice Noah staring at him, absolutely love struck.

He placed his cup on the desk next to his bed, "So Noah I wanted to ask if-" Blake looked back up and turned over to Noah as he was about to ask him a question, when he was interrupted when Noah grabbed his hand making Blake look at him dead in the eyes. A bit confused, before Noah bluntly asked, "Can I kiss you?".

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