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"I feel you everywhere, I look for you in everything." - butterflies rising

Short chapter

Warnings: scars

3rd person pov ( week of prom )

"Alright we'll be back Blake we won't be long!" He nodded looking back down at his phone. Christa, Alex, Diana, and JJ headed out the house and going to the car driving out. "Where'd Derek go?" "To a bar." Andrew responded looking at Blake, "Hm, he does know not to drink to much to drive right?" Noah then said, "He won't drive. I can assure you of that."

"Right..So are you gonna go to the prom as well?" Andrew nodded. It was pretty awkward, the silence was just making Blake uncomfortable. "Jesus fucking christ you guys could not be even more awkward." He groaned standing up pulling Noah up, "Blak-" "Shush." He dragged him to where Andrew was sitting making him sit next to him, "Talk to eachother I'll be in my room. Do not kill eachother." He said walking up to the second floor and into his room leaving Noah and Andrew alone.

He threw himself on his bed sighing, as he closed his eyes not even a few minutes after he felt memories of the incident come back, also remembering when he, hurt himself. He sat up panting rolling his sleeves up he saw the scars that were left behind, he really did hate himself for it, but he knew that everything would get better. Eventually.

He stood up leaving his room and going back downstairs, Andrew and Noah were nowhere to be seen. 'Please god they better have not killed eachother' He thought looking outside, they weren't there either, maybe Noah's room. He walked upstairs again to Noah's room. Nope nothing. He simply took out his phone.

Cocky little bastard 🤡

Hey where are you and Andrew??

Cocky little bastard is typing....

Oh Alex told us to come over to where they were. We'll be back in like 10 minutes or so 😃👍🏼

Oh ok
Seen 10 seconds ago

He put his phone back down "So what the fuck do I do in the meantime-?"

With the others

"This looks really cool!" JJ said looking around the living room, all the decorations that were put. Afterwards they went outside showing them the backyard and the place Noah was supposed to ask out Blake. It was only 4 day's until their prom. "I still can't believe you two came in a car together and didn't murder eachother." Diana said looking at the two brother confused, they looked at eachother and Noah patted Andrew's shoulder, "Yeah we're cool now. I still don't partly forgive him, but we're good." Andrew nodded happily.

"Well I'm glad that family's feud is over!" Derek agreed and for the rest of the time they looked over the rest of the house making sure everything was in place and looked perfect.

With ???

*sigh* "I already told you, there's no more be-" "Then go fucking buy some! Que no sabes como ir a comprar cerveza?!" ".....Cinco minutos." She grabbed her purse tying her jet black hair with natural white stands up in a ponytail grabbing a sweater, her keys, and leaving the house. She drive to the nearby store and bought a 12 pack of beer showing her id to the cashier to make sure she was of age to buy them. After paying she went back to her car turning on the ignition and driving back to her home.

Opening and locking the door behind her she went over to where he was sitting. Placing the pack of beers on the table, "So when is the court hearing." He popped open a beer drinking some before saying, "Sunday." "You do know they won't let you take him right?" He grabbed an empty bottle throwing it at her which she dodged, "He's coming with me whether you like it or not! Be glad you'll still have Andrew." Her eyes widened, Andrew she hadn't spoken, or gotten any messages/mail from him since the incident.

She frowned, "We don't speak. Thanks to you. This family is ruined because of you!" She yelled, immediately regretting it. He simply stared at her, clearly drunk, and he stood up bottle in hand, "No lo hagas por favor..." "No me digas que hacer!" He yelled, she flinched covering her face, but when she didn't feel anything she looked at him. He scoffed and sat back down, "I won't hesite next time." She nodded, and went up to her room.

Throwing herself on her bed, wishing Noah was there with her. But she couldn't ask him to come over she knew how much he hated his father. She would call Andrew, but she doesn't know his number, she was alone. Maybe if she just called him..just once.

Calling Noah 🤱🏻...

Hm? Hello?


Are you okay?!

I can't stay here until Sunday
I don't think I might even make it

She weakly laughed only worrying the male on the other end more.

Come over to where I'm staying, it's safe please

I can't just leave him here
What if he destroys the house in a rag-

It doesn't matter!
You safety is more important
Please just live with me and my friend for the time being...


She stayed quiet


I'll go

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