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"The slower the kiss, the faster the heartbeat." - ???

Warning(s): slight lime

3rd person POV

"Noah? If you're done let me put my shirt back o-" Again he was cut off when Noah suddenly leaned forward and kissed him.

"Mhm-" Blake groaned slightly turning around fully to face Noah, they parted slightly, but long enough for Blake to catch his breath, he opened his eyes to see Noah staring at him like a hunter who had eyes on his prey. Noah pulled Blake towards him again, connecting their lips in another kiss. This time Blake kissed him back, shocking Noah a bit but not like he minded. Noah slightly bit Blake's lip making him gasp, giving Noah the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into the kiss.

It slowly became more heated as Noah placed Blake onto his lap. "Mhm..Noah..- Wait-" Blake said in between kisses, he hesitantly wrapped his arms around Noah's neck. Blake was nervous, to say the least, so he held in his breath for most of it, kissing back but hesitantly. Noah pulled away and looked at Blake's eyes, caressing his cheek, "Breathe.." Was all he said as he started kissing him again.

Blake ran his hands through Noah's royal blue hair letting him dominate the kiss, falling into the plain pleasure. He whimpered feeling Noah slowly rub his back making sure to avoid the cut though. But he started trembling when he felt Noah slowly start moving his hand down to his pants, to which he pulled away, "Wait..I-I'm not ready to-" "It's okay, we'll stop here." Noah smiled warmly giving Blake a quick kiss on his forehead, and pressed their foreheads together, Noah slowly tracing the others lips, 'I kissed him again..His lips are really soft.' He thought.

Quick Blake's POV

I-I..Think i might be catching feelings for this dumbass...Even though I promised myself I wouldn't catch feelings for anyone. Is it naive to think that he doesn't like me? I mean he kissed me, twice, and almost got into my pants, but he could just mean it as like fuck buddies I guess. I don't know, but what I do know is that my heart was beating extremely quick during that kiss, and my body heat was rising so, yeah I think I like him...

Back to 3rd POV

Blake laughed a bit, "It's cold." He smiled, "Right I forgot you weren't wearing a shirt-" Noah laughed leaning to the side to grab Blake's shirt helping him put it back on. They both eventually got up and walked out of the restroom to Blake's room. They sat down on his bed in very awkward silence, "So about the kiss-" Noah kissed him again, 'My god, why is he always interrupting me with a kiss...' Blake thought mentally sighing before he began to kiss back, he ended up falling back on the bed and Noah on top of him, of course that didn't stop them from continuing to kiss.

They separated again, "I, sorry." Noah said backing away, *sigh* "It's fine Noah." Blake grumbled and walked out of the room. Noah looked up as Blake walked out the room, immediately regretting not being able to just say, 'I always see you as something more then a friend...' Sure it might've been early to confess that Noah might like him, but it was better then what he just did. He kissed him three times already, two of those times Blake had kissed back, that should beans obvious sign that he might have a chance, but nope. He ruined his chance.

Noah groaned and flopped back into the bed staring at the ceiling, 'I could really use my moms help right now...' He thought looking over at his phone, 'She might be busy though..I don't want her getting in any trouble with dad cause of me.' He turned back to facing the ceiling. But maybe it was to early, better get to know him more and let the feelings develop before confessing.

Noah sighed standing up from the bed and walked downstairs again to see the Blake was nowhere to be seen. He walked to the back door and saw that Blake was sitting on the grass again. Except with his headphones on. He walked over to him and slowly sat down next to him, he grabbed his phone just to see what song he had on, "Until I Bleed Out" By The Weeknd. Noah sighed pausing it. Blake opened his eyes and turned to grab his phone when he saw it wasn't there and he knew. "What Noah."

With Alex and Jay

"You okay?" Alex nodded, he hugged Jay tightly closing their eyes. Alex really wanted to prove that he could handle a horror movie, but he can't. He gets jumping and covering his eyes every five seconds, "Babe, lets just watch a different movie alright? We can continue watching this later." He said kissing Alex's forehead, "N-No it's okay! I can handle it!" They stated proudly, with a slight shaky voice, "You're trembling, it's okay. We'll watch something else." Jay smiled giving Alex the control and letting him choose a movie.

Back with Blake and Noah

They were both now inside, again, and sitting on the sofa in the living room, Noah as usual initiated another kiss with Blake. Once they had sat dow, Noah sat Blake on his lap, "Noah stop..-" Blake managed to say in between the kiss, until Noah pulled away and started kissing his neck, "N-Noah. I mean it stop. I have soccer practice tomorrow.. I can't be going covered in hickeys.." Noah stopped and looked at Blake's crimson red eyes, "So what? At least they'd know that you're mine." He responded in a dominative tone, "I don't belong to you Noah. I know this means nothing to you." Blake said a bit coldly and turned his head away as he started to attempt to get out of Noah's hold.

Before Blake was able to successfully escape Noah pulled him more forwards so that their chests were practically touching. Blake looked at Noah noticing the grin on his face, "I never said this didn't mean anything to me.~" he said in his usual flirty tone. Blake just continued to look at Noah in confusion. Blake simply shook a bit when he felt Noah wrapped his arms around his waist and started to grope his ass. "Noah please.. like I said.. I-I have practice tomorrow.." Noah gave him a single hickey before saying, "Fine I'll stop" Blake looked at him before saying, "Yea you stop right after you give me a hickey." He rolled his eyes.

Noah pulled Blake's head forward to kiss him. Blake wrapped his arms around Noah whilst Noah put on hand behind Blake's head and put the other on his waist. They eventually broke from the kiss with a thin string of saliva connecting their lips. "Can we just cuddle for the rest of the day then?" Noah asked, "Isn't that something that only couples do?" Blake questioned. A slight tint of pink appeared on Noah's cheeks as he said, "N-no. Friends do that sometimes as well."

Blake looked at him and responded with, "Alright then." He leaned forwards to lay down on his shoulder, still having his arms wrapped around Noah's neck. Noah picked him up, holding him by his legs and took him to his bed as they layed down and just cuddled for the rest of the day.

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