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"Fire lives within his kiss, he had a way of melting every part of me." - Christy Ann Martine

Warning(s): small panic attack

Noah's POV

I'm kissing him. I'm kissing Blake. Crap crap crap. I pulled away opening my eyes, I expected to see a disgusted face, but he was panting slightly as his breath hitched. "What was that for.." He said. "Sorry I didn't meant to. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I quickly said, "It's fine," was all he said looking back at the cat. I looked at him, I don't regret it. I don't regret kissing him.

Blake's POV

He kissed me. I don't know what to think about it, we're really only known eachother for a few weeks. I think I felt my body heat up a bit, I wanted to kiss back. But I held myself back because he might've just done it on impulse or something. I don't know. "Look" I heard him say and point in front of me. There was a bigger size version of the cat that was in my lap. Which I has secretly named Spot. "You think that's her mom?" He asked, "Probably." The cat meowed catching the attention of Spot who turned over and stared at the other cat for a bit. I picked her up hugging her softly and putting her back down, she purred rubbing against my leg and walked away towards the other cat. "We should get back inside.." I said standing up. Noah didn't say anything but he stood up.

"Hey, so I'm sorry about the kiss.." Noah finally said. The kiss... "It's fine Noah. I already told you." I said, walking back towards the house. I did not know a simple kiss would make things this awkward between us. "Yeah I know, I just didn't mean to-" "My god Noah." I mumbled to myself and turned over to face him, I pulled him down and kissed him. His eyes widened, as his face went red. I pulled away and sighed, "See now we're even. So stop worrying already." I said quickly walking back inside. The lingering feeling of his lips on mine from that first kiss was still there. And, it wasn't rough or forced like, with what happened. It was, soft and gentle. I sat down on the sofa as j heard him walk towards me. "It's Thursday and I already said I wasn't going to school. But you should get going."

"No I'll skip today." "Noah it's your second week at school. If you skip that won't be good." I protested, "It's fine, I don't really mind." He said back sitting down next to me, "I'd rather spend time with you.~" he smirked, 'And he's back.' I thought. The normal teasing Noah is finally back. "Ew, don't say it like that." I rolled my eyes, "So what do you wanna do then?" I asked, "We can go to the mall? Or just stay here." The mall sounds pretty good, I need clothes anyways. "Mall sounds good." I said, "Cool we'll take my car!" He smiled jumping off the couch and running outside. I laughed a bit to myself and went outside making sure to lock the door.

Once they got to the mall

"What's with the glasses?" He asked, I sighed, "Not really in the mood to get trampled by a bunch of thirsty girls. And I don't wanna get recognized if he's here." I said. Noah looked at me a bit confused when I said he but then he nodded once he understood.

For a good while we were just walking around looking at the clothes in different stores, at some point I took off the glasses. As expected we were bombarded by girls. But we bought a few things, Noah bought some pants, some new shirts, and a pair of shoes. All I got was a bunch of hoodies :). We were having a pretty good time honestly, it was fun being able to hang out with him outside of school. He's different, in a good way. "So you jumped over a fence, just to get back a soccer ball?" I laughed, "Hey it was a gift from a friend so I felt obligated to get it back." He frowned laughing afterwards. "And you couldn't just ask the neighbor?" He seemed to be at a loss for words, "Well- Yeah you're right." He said defeated as we sat down at a table that was outside the back of the mall.

I laughed covering my mouth though since I don't really like showing my laugh. "Blake?" And I immediately stopped laughing. I felt my heat rate go up, and I started shaking, "Do you know him?" Noah quietly asked, "Blake! It's great to see you again." Charlie smiled. "Noah can we leave now." I said looking at him in the eyes.

Quick Noah's POV

Why did he want to leave? Is what I thought at first, but when he looked at me, his eyes were full of pain, fear, he was just really sad and scared. Oh. OH. It's the dude that- Yeah okay I got it. "Yeah lets go then." I said immediately standing up grabbing the bags of clothes we bought.

Back to Blake's POV

I quickly got up when I felt him grab my arm. Hardly. "Wait Blake. I need to talk to you." I said trying to sound innocent, but it sounded more angry and forceful. "No. Let me go." I said trying to rip my arm away from his hold. "Well I need to talk to you." He said again more sternly. I was gonna say something when I felt Noah place his hand on my arm. "Let go of him." He said glaring at Charlie. "Excuse me? Who gives you the right to tell me what to do?" He asked angrily, "And who gives you the right to hold him back like them when he clearly wants to leave." Noah responded. "So let go of him. Don't get near him again or I will kill you." And just like that Charlie let me go as I walked away from him quickly.

"C'mon let's go." He said to me, I nodded and we walked outside. Once we were outside I had trouble breathing and I felt like really dizzy.. "Blake!" I could faintly hear him but I could feel him grab onto me to make sure I didn't fall. "C'mon focus on my voice Blake. Just focus on my voice." I heard him say in a calm voice. I nodded, "Alright now take a deep breath in and breathe out.." I did what he said and I could feel myself start to calm down.

"Are you okay now...?" I nodded, "Thanks Noah.." I said smiling softly as I started breathing normally again. "C'mon let's get back to the house." He said helping walk to the car.

With Alex and Christa

"So you met someone?" Alex nodded excitedly, "His name is Jay and he's really nice!" They smiled. "Aw Im so happy for you Alex! I hope you guys are very happy!" She smiled hugged them tightly, "Thanks Christa! He's coming here tomorrow so you can meet him." Christa squealed excitedly, "Fashion show! Time to choose an outfit for you!" Alex nodded and they began looking through their clothes, Christa being the most excited about being able to choose an outfit for Alex to wear when Jay cane over.

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