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"Don't let your mind bully your body." - June Tomaso Wood

Warnings: ???
Pictures: Blake's outfit + shoes

Blake's POV

Man why is it so hot..It's early morning it should be cold- What time is it..9:30 am yeah it should definitely be cold right now. Ah- Thats why. I felt breathing on my back that was tickling me a bit, of course I figured it was Noah since it's only us two here. I tried to remove his arms from my waist but I couldn't. He tightened his grip on me not letting me escape. I could feel him smirk stiffing a giggle, "Noah-Let me go-" I said still trying to escape his grasp. "Why? I mean you said to me last night, Don't leave." He whispered in my ear, "I was tired Noah.." He hummed finally letting go of me, I rolled off the bed intentionally letting myself fall off. "I gotta head somewhere today. So you'll be alone for most of the day."

"Where are you gonna go?" He asked, "To meet someone at a Café like a few hours away from here." 'He's meeting someone...?' Noah thought. "Who're you meeting..?" He asked, Blake didn't answer taking some clothes and boxers out of his closet and walking into the restroom. A few minutes passed by when he walked out wearing a black long sleeved turtle neck underneath a white dress shirt that had the first 5 buttons unbuttoned. He also had a sort of chain around his neck. He was wearing black pants with a few rips here and there. Along with a pant harnesses.

"Kata." Was all he said going to his mirror fixing his hair to the side. "Can you check in the drawer next to you and throw me the small bag I have there." He said picking at his ear taking off his piercings. Noah looked good his side opening the drawer and saw the small black bag that he said, "Here ya go." He said Blake turned around, Noah threw the bag at him and he caught it. "Thanks." He opened the bag taking out two black piercings and a black-gold ombré ear cuff piercing. He got a cotton ball putting some alcohol on it and patting it on his ear before he started putting on all the piercings.

"So you're meeting Munakata?" Noah asked, "Yeah. He wants to talk about something." He said walking again over to his closet taking out some shoes and walked over to Noah sitting on the bed. "Don't get to worried, he wants to talk about a possible modeling gig for me." He finished tying his shoes. "I'll be back really late so don't stay up." He said standing up about to walk out of the room when he felt Noah grab his arm. He turned around looking at him in confusion, Noah stood up pulling Blake towards him and putting a hand under his chin making him face up towards him.

"Noah I gotta go-" Noah leaned in capturing Blake's lips with his own. Blake kissed back his hands gripping Noah's shirt. They both pulled away, Blake trying to catch his breath while Noah smirked seeing Blake. "You really need to stop interrupting me like this all the time." Blake ended up saying, "Sorry~ Guess it's a habit now." Noah teased, "Well like I was trying to say- I gotta go." He said backing away grabbing his phone and earphones. "Alright well goodluck." Noah said waving at him, "Thanks." He said waking out the room, downstairs and out the room.

With Blake

"So the Lotus Café right?" "Yes. I ordered your coffee already, I'm just waiting on it now." "Cool cool. I'll be there in like 30 minutes at most." "Okay." "Alright see you then." He said hanging up the phone throwing it on the passengers seat. He sighed turning up the volume on his music and started singing along.

I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus
When her body was found (Hey ya)
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief
That drove him underground (Hey ya)

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