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"Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve." - ???

Warnings: talk about abuse, scars, bruises, panic attack

A/n: Please keep in mind we (authors/writers) have no idea how child custody trials work. We used multiple parts of recorded child custody trials from YouTube, and some parts were improvised. So if anything in here is incorrect we apologize.

3rd person pov

Not proof read

"Thank you please be seated." Everyone sat down in their seats, Noah and his mother in the front along with their lawyer. His father on the left side with his lawyer. The judge reading over the paper, with Andrew sat behind Noah and their mother. The rest of their friends sitting in the back rows behind Andrew.

"Goodmorning everyone." The judge said receiving a "Goodmorning your honor." From everyone else in the room. "Next case is number 12 your honor. This is Olivia Morales versus Jason Wilson." The judge took out some files adjusting her glasses, "Goodmorning your honor Lia Francis on behalf of the respondent in living party Olivia Morales." The judge looked at Jason, "And you're Jason Wilson?" He coughed cleaning his throat, "Yes your honor."

"Alright you have five minutes." Olivia and Noah's lawyer nodded, "We're asking that the court find Mr. Wilson in contempt of court due to a specific violation of the court-ordered parenting plan." She paused fixing her posture, "Without any notice to the mother or consent or agreement, he showed up at her house where he is not supposed to show up. Transportation is supposed to be between the parents. He is never supposed to-" Jason interrupted, seeming angry, "I object." He started sternly. The judge looked up at him, "What's your objection."

"There is nothing in the parenting plan that says I can't-" this time it was the judges turn to interrupt him. "An objection is based rules off evidence. Not because you do not like what counsel says. Okay? So are you familiar with the rules of evidence?" "I'm learning." "Alright, Well then let me tell you something, you don't have a basis to object unless they're based on the rules of evidence. You will be given your opportunity to make your presentation." "Yes your honor." "Objection is overruled. Go on."

The lawyer nodded continuing to state her case, "Without any notice or consent by the mom, Mr. Wilson showed up at her house on the weekend and said to tell him where the children are. Ms. Morales has tried to be as open as she can, she has tried to facilitate time between the father and the son. But when she disagrees to let him see Noah, he does what he wants. And that's contempt of court. Being alone with Mr. Wilson in itself is dangerous for Noah, and Ms. Morales."

"Therefore we ask the court enforce or enter an order contempt of court give the father no visitation rights unless the mother is present."

"May we go over exactly why the father is not to be left alone with Mr. Morales?" "Yes your honor. I would like to ask Mr. Morales himself to go up to the witness stand if possible." "Go ahead." She motioned for Noah to go up and he nervously nodded, giving his mothers hand a kiss before giving her a reassuring smile fixing his tie before walking up to the stand. Taking a deep breath he adjusted the mic a bit for when he sat down.

"Do you swear to tell the truth and only the truth?" He was asked, "Yes." He said and they allowed him to sit down. "Mr. Morales when was the first time that you first witnessed or heard your father hit your mother." He squeezes his hands together trying to remain calm, but that was hard. He did exactly want to remember any of that. "The first time was, I believe when I was around 8 years old. I was in my room and I could hear them arguing in their room." "Did you interact or witness this firsthand?"

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