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"Nothing takes more courage than putting yourself back together again." - The Better Man Project

Warning(s): cussing

3rd person POV

"Blake wake up! Don't you have practice today?" Blake groaned, "Is the hickey still visible?" He asked, Noah looked over at Blake's neck noticing the reddish purple mark, "Yup." He nervously laughed, "Then Im not going." Blake states sternly rolling himself in the blankets. "Just wear a turtleneck under your jersey! It cold outside anyways so it wouldn't be suspicious!" Blake sat up looking at Noah and got off the get heading to his closet to grab some clothes.

After like two minutes, Blake game out with a black long sleeved turtleneck some grey sweatpants and his hair was still messy as ever. "I'll be back in like an hour, unless you wanna come." Blake said looking inside his closet before taking out a black and red duffle bag. "I'll tag along." Noah smiled. He nodded and they headed downstairs, well not before Noah changed into some black pants and a black long sleeve with a hoodie on top.


"Alright everyone let's run the drills!"

(A/N: I know nothing of soccer practices so apologies if any of this is incorrect-)

Blake and the rest of the team began running towards the soccer balls placed in a straight line in front of the goal, each of them made it except a small 5'8 male with greenish black hair. "Sanchez! You're supposed to kick the ball!" Some dude yelled out laughing, "Liam unless you want to run five extra laps i suggest you shut up." Blake glared towards Liam. "Ugh fine." Liam scoffed walking back with the rest of the team, "I'll practice with him coach." The coach nodded retiring to the rest of the practice with the team while Blake headed over to the small boy who was trembling a bit.

"I ain't gonna hurt you jeez. I gotta help you unless you wanna keep getting pushed around like that." Blake said picking up a soccer ball, "T-thank you then...." the male softly said, "Here. Just pass the ball to me." He said throwing the ball in front of him and waiting. Gary tried kicking the ball but missed. Blake sighed walking over to him. "Look at how I do it okay?" He said, Gary nodded standing aside and watched, Blake ran and kicked the ball full force towards the goal.

"Now you try." He said walking back to the goal and throwing the ball towards Gary. The first, 10 times Gary still couldn't hit the ball but eventually he started getting the hang of it. It started off with small slow kicks but eventually Blake had a feeling he could kick it harder towards him. "Alright Gary, Im sure you can kick it now so c'mon." He smiled positioning himself to block the ball. Gary took a deep breath and ran back before running forwards and kicking the ball dead on, sending it towards Blake who blocked it. "Nice job Gary!" He held his hand up for a high five, Gary smiled and blushed a hit jumping up and giving him a high five. "Thanks Blake!" He smiled, "No problem kid, go back with the rest of the team and show em what you got." Blake smiled, Gary nodded excitedly and ran back to the team who were passing balls.

Oh how Noah was jealous for some reason. He knew that they weren't even dating, but seeing him smile to someone else, it just made him feel a bit jealous. "Earth to Noah." Noah looked up to see Blake in his turtleneck under his orange and black, with a hint of red, jersey. His hair was slightly slicked back from the sweat since the temperature did rise a bit during practice. "You okay?" He asked sitting down next to him. "Totally. Aren't you supposed to be over there?" He said looking at Blake, "I am. But captain gets to take breaks whenever, though I never take advantage of that." Blake sighed running his hand in his hair, 'hot- Wait what-' Noah's face gay a bit red from his thought, "Who was that kid you were practicing with?" Noah asked, "A first year from the team. He needed help kicking the ball so I just gave him some pointers."

Noah sighed in relief, "How much longer of practice?" He asked, "Just a few more minutes. We're gonna do a quick match before practice finishes." "Sakakura! Get back here!" The coach yelled, "Gotta go. I'll talk to you after practice." He smiled waving at Noah before running back. 'He hides his smile so much, but whenever he does smile. It's cute..' Noah thought.

After practice

"Gah that was tiring.." Blake groaned, "No one noticed the hickey right?" Noah nervously asked, "Liam did. I told him I hit myself and he's a dumbass so he believed me." He laughed, "I'm glad.." Noah laughed a bit as well. 'Hickey...? Are they- This is some pretty good info.' Liam thought. I should've mentioned he was hiding behind the side of the building by the exit to listen into Blake and Noah's conversation to see if he could find dirt on Blake. He quietly laughed walking away to his car.

"You are not allowed near me at all the day before I have practice. Because I won't be able to wear a turtleneck all the time whenever your stupid ass gives me a hickey." Blake glared at Noah sending shivers down his spine, "Got it..." He nervously smiled. "Good." Blake turned back to look forwards, "Now what do you wanna eat once we get home?" He asked, "Hmmm..Anything is good!" "Well I'm lazy to cook right now so we'll just order something from delivery."


"That was some good food!~" "I agree" Blake smiled throwing the empty plate of Chinese food in the trash can. *Ding Dong* Blake and Noah looked up towards the door wondering who it could be, "Were you expecting anyone?" Noah asked, "No." Blake stood up telling Noah to stay where he was as he walked to the door. Opening it to see none other than Liam.

"What do you want Liam." Blake growled, "Is Noah here." He asked, Blake crossed his arms, "That's none of your concern." He stated sternly glaring down at Liam. Liam smirked and quickly reached up at Blake pulling down the turtleneck showing the now dark red and purple hickey mark. "What the fuck Liam!" Blake yelled slapping his hand away from his neck. "So the big bad boy if the school who's said to have no emotions is sleeping with the new kid?~ Is this to keep him from taking your alpha male spot?" Liam grinned.

"Liam just fucking leave. We're not sleeping together." Blake sighed fixing the turtleneck. "Then explain the hickey." "There's nothingto explain. So fuck off." Liam stared at him with a curious look, "Fine then. You won't mind me telling the entire school right?" Blake's eyes widened, he looked back at Noah sighing and looked back at Liam. "Okay. We were playing truth or dare with a couple of my friends, and I got dared to let him give me a hickey. End of story." Blake lied.

"So if I ask Noah. He'll tell me the exact same thing?" Liam frowned, "Liam I'm tired. Practice was hell so please, fuck off." Blake smiled slamming the door shut. Liam sighed angrily and walked away. Blake walked back to Noah and just sat down not saying anything. "Who was it?" "Liam. He's most likely gonna tell the whole school that you have me a hickey." Noah said nothing. But his face did go red. He leaned over randomly wrapped his arms around Blake, getting close to his ear, "Is that so bad?~" he whispered.

Blake's eyes widened, his breath slightly hitched as he tried to move away from him but he couldn't escape his hold. "Yes..That is bad. I have a reputation to hold." Blake said his hands trying to move Noah's hands away from his waist. When Noah finally let on of his arms go, Blake was glad that he could finally leave when he felt his one remaining arm tighten keeping him in place, "Noah what the fuck-" Noah grabbed his chin making Blake face him, "I don't give a damn about your reputation." Noah said running his thumb over the others lips.

"I just wanna kiss you." He smirked before capturing the others lips with his own. Blake as usual hesitated a bit, before he eventually began to kiss back. Turning over completely to face him, Noah gently layed him down on the couch licking the others bottom lip, Blake got the hint and opened his mouth allowing the other to slip his tongue in. Blake quietly groaned, slowly running his hand through the others hair.

The kiss quickly started getting more heated but Noah held back, knowing the Blake wasn't ready to go any further than a kiss. The need for air was quickly becoming more necessary, so Noah hesitantly pulled away, a string of thin saliva connecting their lips. Blake panted, before opening his eyes and blushed a bit when he saw Noah on top of him before he turned his head to the right looking away from Noah. 'The way this man makes me feel is unbelievable...'  Noah thought smiling to himself.

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