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"Talent is good. Practice is better. Passion is best." - Frank Lloyd Wright

Warning(s): none

Blake's POV

Time to head to the modeling agency interview/photoshoot. Though I am nervous as fuck, I'm relieved that I'm getting an opportunity like this. I'm a highschool student, with okay grades, students fear me as they have never seen my softer side I guess. I don't stand out. But here I am, going to a once in a lifetime opportunity interview with the most famous modeling agency.

Maybe it'll go good, maybe it'll go bad. I have no way to know but just trust in myself, and trust that I look good enough to be able to model-I looked out the window seeing as we passed many stores my favorite being the skateboard store of course.

"We're here." Kata suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts as I nodded hopping out of the car to see the huge thing of a building that stood in front of me. Jeez- At the entrance was a security guard who was talking with a certain, dirty blonde haired male. The same dirty blonde haired male who was Noahs fraternal twin brother.

Not really sure if I should even be near him, considering that Noah himself said that he wasn't planning on speaking to him. I think they might've had some sort of fight. But regardless, I am kinda iffy about him in general. Me and Kata started walking towards the entrance when both looked towards us. "ID card please." He said, Kata simply showed him his ID and explained that I was here for the modeling gig.

He nodded letting us in but we were stopped by Andrew, "I know what floor you guys need to go to. They know me there so I can take you guys there." I looked at Kata as if signaling no so he politely declined as we both headed to the elevator.

"Just head in there, they'll tell you what to wear." I nodded heading inside the big room where there were tons of cameras, people running around, models being posed. I stood there confused on where to go, but that was until a 5'9 brunette walked up to me, clipboard in hand with a pen in her hair, she also had an ear mic, black glasses, and hazel eyes.

"Are you Blake? Blake Sakakura??" She asked, "Yeah." She nodded telling me to follow her to my room. "Make sure you're out in 30 minutes, any later and you'll have to wait to get your pictures taken." She said quickly said before I had the chance to say something to put a finger up telling me to hold on before she pressed her ear mic, "No. Get him ready and changed now! We don't have time for this....Good hurry." "We're you gonna ask something?" She looked up at me.

"Just if I'm supposed to put on anything specific." She looked in her clipboard flipping through a few pages, "Nope. Just make sure whatever you wear matches, we'll adjust the outfit if needed when you come out." I nodded going inside the room.

I looked inside the huge 'closet' and ended up changing into a black sleeveless turtleneck, black jeans, I got a pretty long black blazer and some dressing shoes. I left the room looking for the girl from earlier. "Yo over here!" She waved me over to the opposite side from where I was where there was a white backdrop lights, and cameras.

I made my way over there getting a few looks from the other people, "You look wonderful." I heard the photographer say to me, I thanked him. After all the introductions with the camera man and the rest of the team they began taking the pictures, I was first asked to lean back on a chair with both hands in my pockets while looking to the left and crossing my right leg with my left.

For the second shoot they told me to take off the blazer just a bit to show my shoulders, showing off my muscles. They moved my hair to the side messing it up a bit, giving me some circle glasses and telling me to stand up but lean back a bit. They took the pictures telling me that those pictures would be enough. "Blake you can go back to change into your regular clothes."

I headed back to the room changing back into my old clothes leaving the room seeing that I had a message from Christa. I'll just answer that later. Now I had to look for Kata, be might be waiting outside or in the car... "If you're looking for Munakata he's outside." The girl from earlier said, "Thanks..?" "Oh my name is Quinn. I hope you enjoy working at the agency." She smiled. Wait- So I- "Yes you got the job. We'll send over a contract to where your staying. Just read it over, sign it, and send it back once you're done." I nodded thanking her once more and left the room.

With Noah

'Boring....' Noah groaned, "Mr. Morales please answer this question." The teacher said pointing at the question on the board. '3x÷z' He stalled for a second before standing up to the whiteboard and wrote the following: 3x ÷ z = −2 1/4 or 2.25. "Good job Morales you may sit back down." "Actually may I be excused to the restroom real quick?" He asked, "Of course." Noah left the classroom heading to the cafeteria, sitting down at one of the tables he took out his phone scrolling through his Instagram feed. One particular post caught his attention.

Famous Modeling Agency hires a new hot to be model!

There was a picture of someone on the next slide. The camera quality was flawless so you could clearly see who it was. 'Blake! So he got the job!' Noah smiled to himself excitedly looking at the post caption, which was fairly short but with a ton of comments.

Who is this new male who has gotten a job in this modeling agency? Is he as hot as he looks? Let's see what the public thinks when the photos are out!

Some comments were saying how attractive and good looking Blake looked in the single picture that they had, some were wondering when the pictures were going to be released. While others were more worried if the photos would show all of him.

Noah cringed at some of the comments but was mostly happy for Blake so he decided to send him a quick messaged before going back to class.

Future husband 😘💖✨

Hey 🥰
I saw you got the modeling gig!
I'm really happy for you! ☺️
Sent ✔️

He turned his phone off beginning to walk back to his classroom and he apologized for taking a while. He sat down and continued to pay attention to the rest of the lesson.

Future husband 😘💖✨

Hi to you as well Noah :)
And thanks.
Also I'm sorry, but I'm not going back home, until the following month.
For personal reasons.
Again I'm sorry.

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