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"People will stare. Make it worth their while." - Tom Ford

Short chapter

Picture: Alex's outfit + Shoes

Warning(s): None

Alex's POV (Next day)

This is.. I love it! "This is it! This is the one!" Christa smiled "You really think so?" I asked, "Of course! You look amazing!" They said. I smiled to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror, I never really liked showing my chest whatsoever. Considering how as a kid I would be called a girl for not having what was expected as a flat chest for a 'normal' male. Of course when I met Christa in 8th grade, she said I shouldn't care about it, and embrace it. Said I made me one of a kind, and special in my own way.

So I went with that. In my second year of high school was when I had decided to start going by they/them. I should probably end up telling her that I don't mind he/him pronouns anymore...Well I'll get to that later. "So what does he look like?" She asked, "He's Blake's height so 6'2, he has dark coffee brown hair but it's light in the sun, he has forest green eyes and is pretty fit." I explained, "He sounds amazing! I hope you're happy with him!" She smiled, "I am, he's really nice-"

*Knock Knock*

'That must be him!' I thought as Christa quickly fixed my hair putting it to the side where my eyes could still be slightly covered. "C'mon!" I smiled running down the stairs with Christa following behind me. "Go wait until the living room" she whispered to me and I nodded. I could hear her open the door, "Hey, is this where Alex lives?" A deep but soft voice asked. It's him! I smiled to myself. "Yup Im Christa their roommate!"

"Good to meet you Christa." "C'mon their over here." She said as she closed the door. They started heading over to the living room where I was sitting down. "Hey Alex." He smiled opening his arms, "Jay!" I yelled excitedly running towards him and hugging him. We had never actually met eachother, yes we knew what we both looked like but it was just FaceTimes and messages. So I was really happy to meet him.

"You look beautiful baby." He said kissing my forehead, "Thanks! Christa chose my outfit." I said turning over to Christa who was smiling, "Yup! And I swear to god if you hurt them I will hunt you down and make you regret it!" She smiled, "I'm not gonna hurt him. I love him." Crap I forgot to tell him that Christa doesn't know I don't mind he/him pronou- "You mean them. They go by they them so respect that." She stated sternly glaring at him.

"Christa calm down..I was gonna mention to you that I don't mind he/him pronouns anymore" I smiled, she seemed to calm down sighing in content, "Got it got it. Alrighty then Jay I take back my threat." "Alright? So Alex should we get going?" I nodded, "We're gonna head to the movies I'll message you once we get there okay?" I said walking to Christa, "Mhm! Be safe!" She hugged me tightly, "I will!" I hugged back before heading out the house with Jay.

With Blake and Noah (3rd person pov)

"Thanks for getting me out of there.." Blake mumbled but of course Noah heard him. "Don't mention it, you were clearly uncomfortable." He said helping Blake out the car. "Can you walk fine now?" He asked, "Yeah.." Noah nodded and let him go slowly just to see if he was really capable of walking normal again. Which he was. So they walked back inside the how Blake immediately throwing himself onto the sofa. "Ugh Im tired.." Blake mumbled into a pillow, "You should get some rest then."

Blake sat back up, "I need to replace my bandages first then..." He groaned, "Do you want me to help?" He asked, "Sure.." They headed to the restroom in Blake's room as Blake took off his hoodie and shirt. He slowly began taking off the old bandages revealing the now slightly healed and bruised mark.

"Jeez Blake. Maybe we should've just stayed home, this hasn't healed yet." Noah said looking at his back, "Staying at home wouldn't have healed it any faster...And I didn't wanna be stuck here the entire day." He answered passing him some fresh bandages, and ointment.

Noah started putting some ointment on the cut making Blake wince slightly at the sting. "Does it hurt to bad?" Noah asked starting to wrap the bandage, "No..It just stung a bit." He laughed it off, once he felt Noah finish he was about to get up but Noah out his hand on his shoulder with a tight grip. Blake turned his head around to face him confused, "Noah? If you're done let me put my shirt back o-" Again he was cut off when Noah suddenly leaned forward and kissed him.

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