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"Hell is empty and all the devils are here." William Shakespeare

Warnings: implications of rape, self harm, ptsd, cussing, slurs

Do NOT read if you are not comfortable with anything that was listed in the warnings

"Alright Blake so, we already bought all the groceries. Are we missing anything?" Noah said opening the car door for Blake, "Hm..Oh can we pass by the mall to buy some clothes?" Noah smiled and before Blake got on the car he gave him a quick peck on his lips, "Of course bub." Blake laughed as Noah closed the door for him once he got in the car. Noah himself went to the driver side of the car and got in immediately receiving an arm punch from his boyfriend. "I told you not to call me bub idiot." He laughed, "You know you love it, bub." He smiled. Blake playfully rolled his eyes laughing as he buckled in his seatbelt.

After the court hearing, and the prom along with when they officially became boyfriends. They have never been more happy, they were both so glad that they found eachother. They help eachother through everything, Noah he's been extremely understanding with Blake not wanting to do anything sexual just yet because he wasn't ready. He understood and respected his decision and promise him that he would wait as much as time as he needed until he was finally comfortable with it.

It didn't matter to him, all he cared about was being with Blake. Blake himself, well the modeling job was going great, they took in consideration about his uncomfortableness with showing his back to the camera, without a shirt, and of course they said it was fine. Two days after the court hearing, Blake told Noah about how he would self harm. He showed him the scars, and Noah, well Noah being Noah, he said he would make sure he would never have to do that again because he would always be there for him and protect him. Their relationship, well it was amazing. Is how they would say it.

Their trip to the store was, pricey. Noah bought some new hoodies, which would all be stolen by Blake, some sweatpants, jeans, and some shirts. Blake, well he didn't really buy much. Just a blanket, some shorts, and a few shirts. Most of the money was wasted on Noah because of the hundreds of hoodies he bought. But it wasn't like it bothered Blake or anything, he had money, so it was fine. It just meant he had more hoodies to steal from him now.

Making their way back to their house, as Noah parked in the driveway, when they hit out and went to the trunk to get their things, Blake noticed a certain, black rooted dirty blonde haired male leaning on the white pillar of the house. His eyes widened when he and the male made eye contact. His baby blue eye meeting with Blake's crimson red eyes. He dropped his bag as he felt his whole world come crashing down when he saw the other smirk putting his phone away.

"Blake what's wrong?" He heard Noah ask, but he couldn't answer as he felt his trouble to breathe begin along with his trembling hands. Noah noticed this and grabbed his hand, "Blake?! What's wron-" he stopped when he looked up to where Blake was looking and saw the male that caused Blake to go into a panic, start walking towards them.

"Is that-" Blake nodded looking down to the floor to avoid further eye contact with Charlie. "What're you doing here? How the hell did you even find out where i-" "I have my ways." He responded. "What did I tell you the last time we saw you?" Noah said glaring at Charlie who simply smiled, "Nothin much but a minor threa-" He didn't get the chance to finish because Noah punched him. With absolutely no mercy hitting him right on the nose. He stumbled back covering his nose with his hand looking at Noah's with pure and utter rage in his eyes.

Seeing how Blake was telling him to calm down, "You asshole!" He yelled before lunging forward and returning the punch. Hitting Noah across the face. "Noah let's just go inside." "Fuck. No." He pushed Charlie throwing him another punch hitting his head. With Charlie returning it but unfortunately missed giving Noah the opening to hug him again. This continued on until they let go of eachother.

"Why are you defending him! He's a slut!" "Fuck head he's my boyfriend so watch yourself!" He argued, "You raped him! You have no right to be here!" "It was his fault you fucking idiot! He LET himself get fucking raped like the dirty little whore he is!" Charlie yelled angrily, blood dripping down his left side of his face and his nose, a few cuts on his lip. While Noah stood in front of him, some cuts on his face, but not as bad at the ones on Charlie. But to say Noah was angry was an understatement, he was outraged. He wanted nothing more but to make sure to make Charlie pay for hurting Blake. He'd go as far to say that he wanted to kill him. But he wouldn't do that.

"Shut the fuck you rapist!" Noah yelled running towards Charlie to throw yet another punch. "Noah! Don't!" Blake yelled, Noah stopped, he calmed down a bit still glaring daggers towards Charlie. "Let's just go please.." Blake said tugging on Noah's sleeve. "Fine. But if I see you near Blake or here again, I won't hesitate to fucking kill you." He said walking back inside the house with Blake. Leaving Charlie outside wiping blood of his face and scoffing before walking away from the house.

"Blake...?" Noah locked the door and looked around not seeing Blake in sight. 'No no no no no-!' Noah frantically ran up to the second floor and into Blake's room, noticing how the restroom door was slightly open. He immediately ran into the restroom seeing Blake on the floor...hurting himself. "Blake stop!" He yelled grabbing his right arm, "No Noah! Give it back!" Blake cried, reaching for the blade that Noah took from him, "No!" He yelled searching for some bandages, and once he found some he started wrapping them a round Blake's arm.

"Why didn't you just let me...I'm disgusting, like he said I let myself get raped..I could've stopped him.." Blake said, a stream of hot tears running down his face. "Blake it's not your fault. He took advantage of you, you're the victim it's not your fault.." Noah said still wrapping the bandages. "But it's my fault we can't do anything remotely sexual, because I'm to much of a pussy...And you'll just leave me to find someone that can actually fulfill your need-" He was cut off when Noah grabbed his chin, softly and kissed him. Blake quickly kissed back, Noah kissed his boyfriend with love, it wasn't a lust filled kiss, it was, soft to say the least.

Noah pulled away, looking at Blake dead in the eyes, his voice was soft and quiet, but loud enough for Blake to hear him say, "I'm not ever gonna leave you, no matter what you're never gonna suffer alone again, I promise. I don't care if we can't do anything sexual, just you being with me is enough." This alone made Blake cry more, not of sadness, but happiness. He hugged Noah crying into his neck as Noah returned the hug, letting him cry and rubbing his back to calm him down.

"I love you, I'm not leaving you ever." Noah whisper into his ear, Blake's cries quieted down as he regained his breath. He hugged Noah tighter, "I-I love you to.." He said. Noah smiled happily, finally, finally Blake said that he loved him, sure he knew that he loved him, but he wanted to hear those exact words come out of his mouth. And now that they did, he was happy. Happier then ever.

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