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"I never lose. I either win or learn." - Nelson Mandela

Warning(s): cussing, mention of abuse, toxic like Noah

3rd person pov

"And that concludes the end of all the turns. Now we will announce the winners! So all contents please come up to the floor!"

Everyone who had participated in the contest started walking out to the main floor in front of the audience. Blake walked behind Derek, the huge tree. He had put back on his jacket so Blake couldn't look at his tattoos anymore. They all stood in lines, Blake stood to the right of Derek while another shorter male stood next to Blake, he looked to be maybe 17, or 16. So just a year or two younger than him.

"In third place we have, Terry!"

The male next to Blake gasped and smiled happily walking up to the stage and stood on the third place stand. The host seemed to tell him something which made the male say something back smiling happily. "In second place we have the newbie Blake!" The crowd started clapping as Blake headed up, "Good job newbie." The host said to him and he thanked him.

"First place we have the all time winner, Derek!!" The crowd erupted into applauses, cheers, wooing, compliments, and of course yelling from the fangirls. He stood in the first place stand smiling as the host continued to say what each would win. The smaller third place winner won some new bearings and helmet. Blake won some new bearings, and a hoodie. Derek, he would get to choose a new skateboard at the end along with a hoodie and matching tea shirt.

Everyone began leaving once it finished while Derek was crowded with girls, seeing that JJ headed over to Blake who was admiring the hoodie he got stuffing it into his backpack to make sure he didn't lose it. "Blake!" JJ teles catching his attention, "Hey JJ." He said looking over at her as she esto or in front of him, "Good job on getting second! For your first run here you did really good!" She smiled, "Thanks JJ. I was nervous but i at least got second so that's good." He nervously smiled.

JJ was about to say something when she looked over at Derek who was clearly uncomfortable with all the girls starting to, try and feel him up, touching his arms and back begging him to show them his tattoos regardless if he kept refusing. She sighed excusing herself, "I'll be back.." She mumbled walking over to Derek. "Yo! Get away from him!" She yelled and caught their attention. They all scoffed as one of the girls stood in front of her.

"And what gives you the right to tell us to get away from him?" She said, "Do you hoes clearly not see how goddamn uncomfortable he is? Just get the fuck away from him." She stated sternly clearly getting angry. "No." The girl smiled flicking JJ's forehead. "Oh fuck no-" "Hey." Blake said walking over to them, "You guys heard her, get away from him." He glared at them all causing shivers to go down their spines as they all walked/ran away from them all.

"Thanks JJ." He muttered and she looked over at me then looking back at him, he groaned looking at me, "Thank you to newbie." "No problem." Blake answered looking around for Diana, "Do you guys know where Diana is?- I don't know how to get home-" He sighed, "We can take you if you want!" "Can we though-?" "Yes we can." She smiled, "That would be nice." He smiled, "Great! Let's go then!"

As they started walking outside the building they saw all saw a familiar dirty blonde haired male run towards them, "Hey are you Blake...?" He nodded confused, "Great great. Do you know a Noah Morales by any chance?" "Yeah..Why??" He asked even more confused, "Ha-Okay well, first hello to you two." He said waving at JJ and Derek and they waved back.

"Secondly, Blake. Hi I'm Andrew Morales." He said, 'Andrew Morales...Morales-!' "Wait-..." "Noah's fraternal twin brother."

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