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"I loved you at your darkest." - Romans 5:8

Short chapter.

Warnings: ???

3rd person pov

"You ready Blake?" Noah asked leaning on the door to Blake's room. There was no answer until the door suddenly opened making Noah stumble back but Blake caught him, "Yeah I'm ready." He laughed, Noah pouted before standing up grabbing Blake's hand and they walked downstairs out of the house and to the car to start heading to the movies. It was time for their date.

"So what movie did you say we were gonna watch?" Blake asked buckling in his seatbelt, "I know you love horror movies so I bought us tickets to watch," He reached in his sweater pocket to take out the two tickets that read "Saw" "I- fuck yeah!" He smiled happily, Noah's as right Blake absolutely LOVED horror movies, so that fact that they were gonna watch Saw that made him extremely happy.

"I knew you'd love it." He smiled looking at Blake's excited expression.

After a few minutes of driving they finally made it to the theater so they got off the car, hand in hand they walked towards and inside the theater giving them their tickets as they made their way to where they were supposed to go. Their row was right in the middle row, and middle seats, the best seats Blake could ask for so they sat down and put their popcorn in the middle of eachother, but with just enough space for Blake to lean his head on the others shoulder.

The movie started and Blake was already excited for it to start. Looking around both males could see the cringing faces of other people watching the movie, as they stayed stoic faced but with the share of smiles and some laughs or looking at the screen in awe. Overall they really enjoyed their time with eachother. They had known eachother for a good while, Noah thought after the movie would be a good time to ask him to be his boyfriend. But it still might've been to early, as this was their first date.

He managed to ask him out, so why not just ask him to be his boyfriend? By the end of the movie he made up his mind and decided he was gonna ask him. They got up getting their almost empty popcorn box and walked out throwing away the trash and leaving the theater. "Did you like the movie?" Noah asked, Blake sighed and nodded, "Loved it." He smiled looking up at Noah, "I'm glad you did," once they made it to the car they stopped and Noah held Blake's hand, "It might be a little early, but Blake," "Nope- Nope nope nope." He interrupted, "Huh?"

"You asked me on a date you do not get to ask me to be your boyfriend. So Noah, will you be my boyfriend." He smiled 'He really interrupted me just to ask me himself-' He said in his head but laughed, "Yes yes I will gladly be your boyfriend." "Let's go to a park, just for a walk." Blake said getting into the passenger seat Noah got in the drivers seat, "Alright, if I see an ice cream stand or truck you can bet your ass I'm buying both of us some." He said starting the car, "Wow you really are such a child." Blake laughed.

"Hey!" He frowned playfully, "I'm kidding! Now let's go so we don't miss the ice cream truck." Noah nodded driving out of the parking lot and beginning to drive to the nearby park that was hey where they live.

With JJ, Diana, Andrew, and Derek

"So you do like her!" "Yeah.." JJ smiled, "I might be gay but damn Diana our child has grown up so fast." Diana nodded grabbing Derek's hand to enhance the joke, "We were great parents." She again wiped a fake tear off her face, "Ew- Don't do that-" JJ laughed along with Derek and Diana who let go of eachother, "Where's Andrew?" Diana asked, "He said he was gonna be out by the hotel pool for a bit." "I'll go talk to him." Diana said walking out the house seeing Andrew sit on the edge of the pool with his legs crossed so he was just staring at the water.

"Andrew you okay..?" He shook his head, "Noah and I have to go to a court hearing tomorrow. Our 'father' wants to take him away." "Why do you have to go?" "To um, to testify about his abuse to us all." "Oh.." They stayed quiet after that. Andrew continued staring at the water, he didn't know how he could describe anything. He started being absent from his house after he turned 16. He was old enough to travel, but he left to Japan in the first place to go study for an agency. He was the smartest in his class so they wanted him to go over there to see exactly how good he was.

He could describe what happened during his time there, but he didn't believe he was a solid witness. He'd just have to try his damn best to make sure Noah wasn't taken away from their mom. She was definitely a better parent then their dad.

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