EXTRA [ Jay & Alex ]

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Warning: some homophobia ( but a very understanding child )


"Jaaaayyyy!" Jay laughed picking up his boyfriend, "What is it baby?" He asked with a smile, "Can we go to the park? For maybe a picnic?" Jay nodded, "Of course."

Once they got there

"Look there's a tree over there so we can sit!" Alex happily said as he pointed over to a cherry blossom tree, then looked up at Jay. Jay picked him up bridal style taking Alex by surprise, "Let's go then." He smiled and began to walk to the tree. He placed him down and sat down next to him Alex immediately laying his head on Jay's shoulder. "So how's your sister been lately?" Alex asked, Jay was taking out all the food from the basket they brought.

"She's okay. She was asking when you're coming over again." Jay smiled, "I can go over today! I don't have anything to do, and I wanna spend more time with you and your sister!" Alex exclaimed, Jay smiled and patted him head, "Alright then. I'm sure she'll be happy to hear that you're going over again." He smiled.

He leaned down to give Alex a small kiss on his forehead and Alex smiled with a slightly, not-noticeable blush on his face, when they heard some laughing, they looked over and saw a 7 year old boy in front of them both. "You guys look like a nice couple!" he smiled, Jay raised an eyebrow in confusion, and Alex had the same expression, "Thanks!" Alex smiled happily.

"Honey get away from them!" Who they guessed was the boys mother. "But why mama? They're nice!" He giggled. She simply frowned grabbing the boys arm and beginning to drag him away. "No momma! I wanna stay here!" "Can you not see they're a same gender couple?!" She yelled. People that were around them began looking at them. "So what!" Jay snickered catching the lady's attention.

"What are you laughing at?!" "The fact that your what 7 year old son knows not to judge people. But you, and adult still judges. It's unbelievable." He laughed, Alex looked at him scared that she might try something because he knew Jay wouldn't actually hit her.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way." She threatened. "Or what? You're gonna report me for being on a picnic with my boyfriend?" She looked at him shocked and walked away with her son. Though she was still begging her to stay. He rolled his eyes sitting back down next to Alex. "Sorry you had to see that." Alex shook his head hugging him. "It's okay!" He giggled. Jay hugged him back patting his back. "C'mon let's go to my place."

Alex nodded excitedly and they both got up picking up their things and walking back to the car. "Gina is gonna be really happy to see you again." "I'm excited to see her again to! She was really nice last time!" Jay smiled seeing his happy boyfriend. He was really fortunate to have met him, though it was online, he never once regrets first talking with him.

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