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"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." - Oscar Wilde

Picture: School Cafeteria

3rd person POV

"Thanks for coming with me Blake!" Vanessa smiled grabbing a soda from the vending machine, "It's no problem. Let's get going so Christa doesn't get angry again." Blake laughed a bit, "Yeah let's go!" They smiled, "Race you!" They yelled as they began to run, "Wait V that wasn't fair!" Blake yelled running to catch up with Vanessa.

After Blake eventually caught up to Vanessa she was laughing and sitting next to Christa who was talking with, 'NOAH?!' Blake yelled in his head. Noah was talking with Christa, and they were laughing as if they knew eachother for years! Blake made his way to the table sitting on the other side of Vanessa who was drinking their soda with a smile. Blake sat there uncomfortably scrolling through his phone. "Noah I assume you've met Blake!" Christa suddenly said making Blake flinch, "Ah yes. I certainly have met him." He grinned, "Oh?" Christa looked at Blake confused, "He's in my class. And he's unfortunately my partner for the class." Was all Blake said, not even bothering to look at Noah.

Christa and Vanessa spared one look at eachother before they smiled as if they could read each others mind. "We'll leave you two alone to get to know eachother!" Christa smiled standing up and walking over to Vanessa, "Wait no-" Blake tried to protest, "You'll be okay Blake!" Vanessa tried to reassure him, Blake nodded and looked back down at his phone, "C'mon V!" Vanessa began skipping over to Christa as they walked away from the table leaving Blake and Noah alone.

"So Blake," Noah began, "Hm?" Blake looked up at him, sort of happy thinking he would as a genuine serious question. Keyword: thinking "You single?~" He asked with his usual smirk, Blake was about to give his snappy response when he decided to try and go along with it, "Why yes in fact I am single. And I would gladly date," He paused standing up and walking over to Noah, "Anyone but you." He smiled walking away from him. Noah watched at Blake walked away, he smiled, 'He seems fun' he thought getting his phone and walking out the building.

With Blake

" 'To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.' Now everyone I want each of you to write down on a piece of paper what this quote means to you. You have 30 minutes before I call on 6 random people to read their meaning." Blake stared at his notebook, he simply wrote down, 'Without a meaning in life, all you are is a presence, nothing more. Leave your mark on the world, that way people know you exist.' He sighed not knowing if this even made sense. He really needed his music at the moment. "Alright everyone, let's start. Vanessa, please read your meaning of the quote." The teacher stated, Vanessa nodded and stood up grabbing their paper and began reading.

After a few more people reading, "Blake," he said, Blake's head shot up unconsciously his hand started trembling before he took a deep breath and stood up. "Without a meaning in life, all you are is a presence, nothing more. Leave your mark on the world, that way people know you exist." Blake immediately sat back down, "Blake, that was an amazing interpretation of the quote." Blake stopped panicking and thanked the teacher.

After school

"Blake I'm gonna stay after school so you can go home if you'd like!" "Do you have a club or something? So I could tell your sister." He asked taking out his headphones, "Yeah Im staying for the cheer club. We have a competition in a few weeks so we need to practice." They answered, "Alright, just message me if you need me to pick you up." He said Vanesa walked over to him giving him a hug, "Be safe." They smiled, "I will, now get going before you're late." They nodded excitedly and began running to the gym. Blake was about to start heading out the building when he heard someone call his name, immediately recognizing the voice.

"What Noah." He said trying not to sound to mad, "Do you know where Redwood street is? My mom just recently got a house by there but I'm not sure where it is." He asked scratching his head, "It's- *sigh* It's by where I live so you can tag along with me if you want." "If that's alright with you then sure." Noah smiled, Blake nodded and they both began walking out the building.

An hour later

"This is Redwood street, uh your house might be somewhere around here. Do you know how it looks?" Blake asked Noah took out his phone scrolling a bit before saying, "She said its white with a black roof. And the door she painted black." Blake looked around a bit, "It might be that one then." He said pointed at a nearby house by the end of the street. His house was about 6 houses over. "Yeah I think it's that one. Thanks for the help Blake." He said and waved goodbye before walking away. Blake waved back and walked to his house stopping at the door, 'Fuck I forgot to bring my skateboard.' He mentally cursed at himself but just walked in his house to lazy to go back to the school and get it.



Here's an early update as it is now 2021. Happy New Years everyone and I hope you have a great 2021 :)

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