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"That's my problem: I think to much and I feel to deeply. What a dangerous combination." - ???

Warnings: ??

Author's POV

'Man what time is it...?' Noah thought to himself, he rubbed his eyes before looking to his side to see Blake laying on his arm, 'I guess we fell asleep during the movie.' He tried his best to grab his phone with his free arm without waking Blake up. He successfully grabbed his phone, it was 2 in the morning. He looked over at Blake who was sleeping peacefully, "Cute.." he mumbled quietly to himself. Noah started to mess around with Blake's hair, still trying not to wake him up. 'His hair is surprisingly soft, I didn't think it would actually be this soft considering how messy his hair usually is..' Noah thought to himself continuing to mess around with his hair.

Blake's POV

'Is he playing with my hair..?' I thought to myself while still pretending to be asleep, I feel surprisingly safe right now. He looked away and I took this as my chance to make it seem I woke up, I looked up at him, "Noah?" He flinched a bit, ha I think I might've scared him, "Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up" He looked a bit nervous, "It's fine Noah, I've been awake for a while," his eyes widened when I finished talking. I took one of my free arms and started to mess up his hair, "Hey what're you doing?" He asked me, "Your hair. You style it but.." I continued to mess it up, "it looks better messy." I said with a monotonous voice as I put my arm back down, and started to get up from where I was leaning on.

"What do you wanna eat for breakfast?" I asked, "Hmm, how about pancakes and bacon? I can help make the pancakes." He smiled, "Sure c'mon then." I waved him over to follow me. We walked to the kitchen and I turned on the active and grabbed the oil and some bacon while Noah began making the pancakes. But first I changed into some pants because damn was it cold.


"These pancakes taste amazing." "Thanks Blake! I'm glad you like them." He smiled happily. *Thump* Eh?- 'thump' ? What no. I don't like him. It's just my heart beating, that's normal. Yeah. Okay. I continued eating when I heard a phone start ringing, "I gotta take this is there anywhere that's quiet?" He asked, "The backyard." I pointed to the back door and he nodded heading out leaving me in the kitchen alone.

With Noah (his POV)

Yeah Mom?

Noah is there somewhere you can stay for a few weeks?

Why má?

Your father came here. And he wants to take you away.

But he cant do that!-

Noah please, find somewhere to stay you can't come home for a bit

Well you can't stay there either! What if he hits you?!

Noah please. You cannot come home. Do you not have any damn beer?!

Is that him mom....?

Yes. Please Noah, no vengas a la casa. Encuentra un lado dónde te puedes quedar por un rato. Me tengo que ir.

Mom por favor ten cuidado...

Tú también hijo. Te amo

Yo también te amo...

She hung up. Shit. I can't just leave her in that house alone, especially not alone with my excuse of a father. I walked back inside the house to see Blake on the sofa. I guess he noticed my worried expression since he asked, "Are you okay?" I sighed sitting next to him running a hand through my hair as I stared at the ground. "Noah..What's wrong?" He asked again, "My dad. He's at the house where me and my mom live. He wants to take me away to live with him." I finally said, "She doesn't want me to go home. So I need to look for somewhere to stay." I added. "You can stay here, I have an extra room anyways." Blake said I looked up looking him straight in his gorgeous crimson red eye-

" Blake said I looked up looking him straight in his gorgeous crimson red eye-

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I looked up at him smiling a bit, "Really...?" He nodded smiling, "You helped me a bit so it'd be wrong of me to not return the favor." He said I leaped at him hugging him catching him off guard. He hesitantly hugged back, "Thank you Blake.." I mumbled, I felt him smile a bit. We stayed like that for a good while before I backed away. "I should probably message my mom to let her know." "Go ahead I'll be outside." He said standing up and leaving. I sighed and took out my phone again

Mom 💖

Hey mom
So I'll be staying with a friend at his house

Thats good honey!
Is this boy your boyfriend 🤭

No mom!
He's just a friend

Aww okay then
If you two end up getting together I hope you guys are happy ^^
I have to go now, I love you ❤️

I love you to, please stay safe

I will bye now
Read 1 minute ago

I really hope she's okay. I wanna go over just to make sure she's okay, but she won't let me. I start heading outside to look for Blake when I see him sitting on the ground. "Hey Blake what're you doing?" I asked. He turned to look at me and motioned me with his head to walk over. I listened and walked over to him to see that he had a cat on his lap. It was white with some black spots. 'Aww' I smiled and sat down next to him. "I saw her wandering close to the pool so I called her over and now look where we are." He said with a soft voice, not his usual deep and emotionless voice.

"Cute.." I said quietly, "I agree the cat is pretty cute." He laughed, I blushed realizing I said that out loud. 'Yeah the cat is cute..But you're also pretty cute.' I thought to myself looking up. At least I thought I told myself. Oh was I very wrong. "Umm.." I heard him say and I looked down to see him looking at me with a surprised look. 'Oh crap. I said that out loud-' I actually thought this time, my face going red. "I'll just pretend you didn't say tha-" I cut him off. My body moved on it's own, as I grabbed his chin and placed my lips onto his.

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