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"If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, who then am I." - Erich Fromm

Warnings: smoking, cussing

Blake's POV

It's been an hour since he got here, Derek and Andrew haven't gotten here yet. JJ and Diana tried messaging them both but no answer. They were starting to get scared so Diana called Andrew instead. Luckily he answered so she put him on speaker for us to hear, "Andrew are you guys okay?!" "Hm? Oh yeah we're fine. We passed by the house to grab Derek's skateboard. But we'll be there in a bit." Diana sighed in relief, "Phew alright- we thought something happened to you guys..But you're all good right?" "Yes Diana we're good. We're on our way, so don't worry." Diana was about to say something the but the call ended saying the lines were all occupied. She frowned but was relieved that they were okay.

"Blake do you have your skateboard?" I nodded looking in the trunk where I left it and gave Diana her skateboard. "At least they're okay right?" I said slightly smiling, "Yup! They're ok their way here so let's just ride around the park meanwhile we wait." She said putting and skateboard on the ground running back and jumping on it moving her right foot to start going forward (idk how this works-).

A few minutes later

"Hey we're here!" Andrew called out. "Finally! Diana was getting tired of riding alone!" JJ said, I said I didn't want to ride just yet, being in a skatepark was still weird for me. But that's all I told them, really only Derek knows why. "Derek you gonna join?" Diana asked coming to a stop in front of me and JJ who were sitting on a bench.

Isn't this exactly where and how you met that Charlie?

I could feel myself start to panic. But I kept to myself and calmed my down taking some deep breathes. "Obviously moron." He placed his skateboard on he ground and he and Diana began to race. "Blake you're not gonna join them?" JJ asked me, "Uh, in a bit. I just need to make a quick call." She nodded and I walked towards the car which was a fair distance away from where JJ, Andrew, and I were so they could barley hear me.

Normal: Blake
Bold: Noah

Calling Cocky little bastard 🤡...

Hey hey Blake!

Hey Noah
I just wanted to call to tel you that I'm gonna be heading back home on Tuesday in Japan so I'm probably gonna get there the morning of Wednesday.

I'll make sure to tell the others!

How's everything over there?

Everything's good!
We were just at the mall since Christa wanted to buy and help Alex get some new clothes for the outfits to prom

Oh right prom is in a few weeks
I forgot

How could you forget prom?!

Because it never caught my interest dumbass
I wasn't even planning on going

I- Christa is gonna beat you up if you don't go

I know I know
I just never understood why it's so important to go

Maybe you'll find out when you actually go

Right. Tell her I'll go. But she has to help me get dressed, I don't know how to dress for that type of shit

Got it! Oh I gotta go..
I'll call you later!

Ok bye

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