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"We know what we are. But know not what we may be." - William Shakespeare

Warning(s): small intrusive thoughts, slight cussing

With Blake (His pov)

We're here. Japan. I haven't been here in a while, it feels, weird, being back here. "We can start heading to the graveyard at 5pm. So for now feel free to look around." I nodded and helped Kata bring in my last bag, the last time I was here was when I was like. Maybe 5...?

Small flashback (3rd pov)

"So, you like like Kata?" Blake tilted his head confused, "Yes. I like like Munakata Blake." Juzo sighed. He really didn't expect his 9 year old son to find the photo he had of Munakata on his shelf. "Does he like you back?" He asked, "He doesn't know..And I don't plan on telling him." Blake looked at Juzo for a bit noticing his sort of sad look. He smiled warmly getting up and running to Juzo hugging him, "I won't tell him! But I hope you two get together so you're happy!" He giggled, Juzo sat there a bit shocked but smiled and hugged his tiny son back.

End flashback (back to Blake's POV)

'Maybe I should ask...' I thought staring at Kata. "Hey Kata can i ask you something.." I hesitantly said. He looked over to me with his usual stoic expression, "Of course. What's your question." He said turning around completely to face me. "Did Juzo ever..like..Gah I don't know how to say it.." I tried to find the right words to ask if he ever told him about his crush without actually saying that he had a crush on hi- "About his crush on me? Yes he told me." He suddenly said shocking me. "He did..?" I asked confused, he did say that he wasn't planning on ever telling him.

So why the sudden change and tell him? Now I have a million of questions. When did he tell him. WHY did he tell him. And did other people but me know- "Yes. He told me a few moments before-. Before the crash." He hesitated. Why? Whatever. "Oh.." I looked down sadly, i mean he really liked Kata and to only be able to tell him once he was gonna crash. It must've been shocking for Kata and sad for Juzo.

I didn't know exactly what to say, i couldn't read Kata as he always had a stoic emotionless expression so it was hard to tell what he really felt. So i simply said that I'd be back in a few hours and left the house.

Small intrusive thoughts warning

As usual you mad things awkward again.

I didn't mean to-

But you did.
You guys were fine, and you ruined everything.
Why do you always have to ruin everything?
In any situation you always ruin something.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to..

You're useless, Blake. Absolutely useless
You know that right?
Everyone would be better off with you gone.

Me, gone...? It would make everyone feel better?

Yes. If you just disappeared, everyone would be happier.

"Woah watch out-!" I looked up and bumped into a girl with black hair and silver tips, she was wearing a grey crop top with a red fannel on top, black ripped jeans and white shoes. Her bags fell along with her phone. "Shit- I'm sorry I wasn't watching were I was going-" I helped picked up her things, "No no it's alright!" She laughed it off as I gave her back her bags and phone.

"You new to Japan?" She asked me, "Not exactly. Just haven't been here in a long time." She nodded, and started telling me about the different sights that I could visit. Her name was Diana and she gave me her number if I ever had any questions on where I could go. She seemed to notice my love of skateboarding so she told me of a small skateboarding competition that her friends knew about. If I were interested.

She was really nice, after heading back to Kata's house I threw myself on the bed lended to me and got my earphones from my suitcase.


O Green World - Gorillaz
1:00 ───o──────── -3:31
      ◃◃    Ⅱ    ▹▹     

Oh, green world
Don't desert me now

Bring me back to fallen town
Where someone is still alive

Fighting for something new in this
When no one needs the heart of me
And I'm looking somewhere I've never been before

I was enjoying the song when I thought about the offer Diana gave me.


"You seem like someone who enjoys skateboarding, so here's this." She handed me a small poster that showed a picture of two skateboards with the words on top, "Yearly Skateboarding Competition! 10K winning prize! Starts at 8:30 pm at **** *********!" "My friend is hosting it so I'm sure he'd let you in if I tell him! If you decide to go text me." She smiled before standing up waving goodbye and walking away.

Flashback end

He sighed picking his phone up and messaging Diana

Diana 🛹

Hey. So I'll go to the contest thing you told me about.

He put his phone back down looking over to another one of his bigger bags that contained his skateboard. He really wasn't looking forward to bringing his skateboard out again. For he didn't want to remember what happened in the middle of the competition. Or just remember at all.

Small flashback

"Hey-!" Blake groaned as his back hit the popcorn textured wall. Feeling the stinging and burning sensation run through his spine. Tears one the verge of falling as he felt some blood start to emerge from what he assumed to be a cut.

Flashback end

I remember that time perfectly. 'I should check it to make sure it's okay..' I thought standing up and heading to the bathroom. I took off the bandages seeing the now dry and old blood on the bandages. I carefully took it off looking for some new ones in the drawers.

Luckily there were some so I started wrapping it as best as I could. But shit did it still hurt. I put my shirt back on sitting down in the bed. I grabbed my phone seeing that I had a notification from Diana.

Perfect! I'll tell my friend to put you in! It starts at 8:30 so I'll see you there! ^^
Seen 1 minute ago

Going to visit dad at 6, so I'm sure I could make it. "Blake may I come in?" I heard Kata ask. "Yeah." He opened the door walking inside. And I noticed he wasn't wearing the bandages anymore. His once cornflower blue like eye now seeming more like a ice blue but also a bit grey.

"I see you're not wearing the bandages anymore.." "Yes you're right. I figured it was time to take them off." I nodded, "So what I was going to say, was that we will be heading to the cemetery at around 6:30. I have a few things to take care of before we go." Woah, it sounds a bit important, "Can I ask what things exactly?" "I just need to discuss business with some people that work with me." I nodded, "Alright I can wait until then." He nodded walking out of my room.

It's 5:28, so I have some time until then. I should probably message the groupchat now.

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