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"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." - Wayne Dyer

Warnings: smoking, cussing, toxic relationship

Blake's POV

'Why is my phone ringing..' I thought, I picked it up lazily and tiredly, "Who's this...?" "Blake where are you?" Oh it's Kata, Wait- I sat up to see that I was most definitely not in my room. The last thing I remember is continuing to watch the movie with JJ, Diana, and Derek, and I- Oh. I guess I fell asleep and they noticed. "I'm at a friends house, sorry I didn't message you I fell asleep.." I yawned, "It's fine. As long as you are safe. Are you going to be staying with them for today as well?" "Yeah." "Alright. Just be safe." "Mhm..bye kata.." he said goodbye and hung up. I should probably go back to sleep.

But surprise surprise, I wasn't sleepy anymore. So I decided to message Noah.

Cocky little bastard 🤡

Hey you awake?

Sending the message I put my phone down on the bed rubbing my eyes before standing up and leaving the room heading downstairs. The back door was open and as I got closer I could smell smoke. Looking outside I saw Derek smoking. I could use a smoke right now, "Hey Derek." I said making him look over at me, he took his cigarette out his mouth, "Sup." He said making smoke come out his mouth before turned back looking up to the sky. "Care to share a cigarette?" I asked. He stuck his hand in his pocket taking out a pack of cigarettes, handing them to me along with his lighter.

"Thanks." I took one out lighting it up and yeah. It was quiet for a bit before he said, "Y'know Noah right?" Looked over at him, "Yeah..Why?" He puffed out smoke before saying, "If JJ told ya, then you know my first boyfriend cheated on me." I nodded, "I, wasn't planning on leaving him. I believed that it was a one time thing. But I was a naive 15 year old. Emo kid is what I was called as that's when I still had all black hair and very very noticeable eye bags." He put out his cigarette throwing it in a trash bin near the entrance. "Noah, was the one who convinced me to break up with him." He what?-

"Can I ask how?" He stayed quiet for a bit, he didn't know what to say. "He recorded him saying to his friend how he didn't care about me, that he was just using me." Oh shit- "That must've been horrible..." He scoffed, "It was, but I look back at it now, and just laugh. Because of him I turned out like this. I prefer this me than the old me."

"Do you regret being with him?" I asked, though I might be asking to much of a personal question. "No. Like I said, because if him, I changed. I dated him during summer vacation, so before highschool started. The week after I left him. I stopped contacting everyone. Which was when I changed my look." He took a breather trying to remember exactly what happened to make sure nothing was b.s "I didn't attended school for the first year, and at that time he was, maybe like 5'5. When I went back to school, which was in sophomore year, I hit the gym and luckily grew so that was when I was 5'6. I grew as I went to the gym a lot after the breakup."

"I dyed my hair and got my first tattoo when I was 16. He saw me, and did not recognize me, along with everyone else in the school. I felt amazing." "I'm guessing you played with him?" He nodded, "And man was it fun when he found out who I was. Best feeling ever." He smiled, "Thats when you started playing with other people right?" He nodded, "Though I stopped, because of Noah. Telling me it wasn't good, at least for my mental health because that's when my anger issues started."

"Come junior year and I started again. But I now realize I was rambling to tell me something about yourself this time." I thought about it for a bit, and before even thinking about it I just blurted out, "I was raped." He looked over at me, he definitely did not expect me to say that. "Oh- Dude Im sorry-" "It's fine. It's actually why I stopped going to skateparks." I explained to him, how my friends helped me get through it.

We stayed out there talking until basically sunrise, "So hows Noah been doin? Like in school and shit." At this point we were just talking, as if we were close friends, "He's doing really good. I mean he was an annoying little flirt, but he's nice." Derek laughed hearing that I called Noah a flirt, "Yeah. He flirts a lot, but he never flirts with the one person unless he actually like likes them." I hummed seeing the sunrise, it was beautiful, "Anyways don't tell JJ or Diana I smoked this early, they'll beat my ass and I'll beat your ass for telling them."

"Alright then-" "Cool. But it was nice talking with you." He said and walked back inside the house. I should probably check if Noah messaged me back. I went up the stairs and into the room I stayed in and grabbed my phone.

Cocky little bastard 🤡

I am now ^^
I hope you slept well, we all miss you 🥺😔

That made me smile, I really missed them all as well. And I wanna go back, I might go back sooner. Maybe next week.

I miss you all as well
I hope everything is going well over there
I met a Derek here who seems really cool

Cocky little bastard 🤡 is typing...

Oh you met Derek!
Yeah he's really nice when you get to know him, he has a sad past but he's better now ^^

I know.
He told me how you helped him leave his cheating ex

Yeah...I mean he wasn't gonna do it himself and I couldn't stand seeing him in that toxic relationship

Well I think you did good in helping him
Like you said he's better now

I actually was gonna ask you something..

What is it?

Do you think you can come back earlier from Japan....?
Only if you want of course!

How considerate of him..

Actually, I was thinking about it. I might go back next week on Monday (here) so I might get there early Tuesday.

I'm gonna meet up with Christa, Alex, Jay, and Brittney in a bit so I'm gonna go get changed

Talk to you later then

Bye ☺️💖

Why those emojis-
Y'know what idc anymore-

:D 💖
Seen 1 minute ago

I turned off my phone, hearing a knock at the door, "Who is it?" "It's JJ! We're heading out to get some breakfast if you wanna come!" I got up opening the door looking down at her, "Sure I'll go.." She smiled grabbing my arm and dragging me out the room.

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