Valentines Day Special

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Happy late Valentine's Day :D I hope everyone had a great day! - Admin 1 & 2


3rd person pov

"Noah you have everything ready right?" Noah nodded showing Diana the many bags he had in the back of his car. "Okay me, JJ, and Christa are on our on our way over to your house!" "Great! We'll see you here!" With that Diana hung up as Noah turned his car off getting out of the car and to the back to grab the bags. He quietly opened the front door to make sure he didn't wake Blake up, and he set down the bags on the couch taking off his jacket.

He slipped his shoes off heading up to the second floor to his and Blake's room. Again he opened the door slowly as he quietly walked over to Blake kneeling down besides him. He smiled warmly as he saw Blake's sleeping form, he was so calm. He brushed some of his hair behind his ear giving him a small peck on his forehead. Blake's eyes slowly opened, his vision was still a bit blurry but he could right away recognize who was in front of him because of his royal blue hair.

"I'm sorry babe did I wake you?" Blake shook his head yawning, he sat up as Noah sat on the bed in front of him "M' tired.." Blake mumbled hugging Noah, "I know I know..Everyone's coming over for a small valentines party. Are you sure you wanna be there? You can always sleep in." Noah said massaging Blake's back. "It's okay. Happy Valentine's Day." He said looking up at Noah smiling. Noah leaned down pressing a quick kiss on Blake's lips, "Happy Valentine's Day, I love you."

"I love you to."


Putting up the last heart decoration Blake heard a knock at the door going over to open it almost immediately he was tackled to the ground by Alex, "Happy Valentine's Day Blake!!" Blake grunted at the fall before laughing, "Happy Valentine's Day as well Alex." He said patting the smallest back, he giggled standing up before running over to Noah, "Phew sorry about him. He's been very excited on seeing you and Noah again." Jay said giving Blake a hand to stand up.

"I can tell. How has the trip been?" Blake said taking Jay's hand then brushing off the little dirt on his pants. "It's been amazing. We got a cat while on our trip to France, Alex named him sponge." Jay chuckled, "Classic Alex. Always giving goofy nicknames." Blake said smiling, "Well I'm glad everything is going well with you both, now let's get over there before they finish the food!" Jay nodded as he and Blake ran outside to where everyone else was.

"Blake!" He heard a familiar voice say, he immediately smiled in joy turning around to face the door to the patio seeing his one and only best friend, "Christa!" He said opening his arms receiving her with a big hug. "I missed you!" Blake hugged her tightly smiling, "I missed you as well fish face." She pouted playfully before letting go of the hug and walking over to Alex who was calling her over for the entire interaction.

"How are things with you and Noah?" He heard JJ ask, "Great, he's been wonderful." JJ nodded with a happy expression, "I'm glad! He really really loves you." Blake sighed, pretty much sweat dropping, "I know, he reminds me all the time." "Well he always means it!" He nodded before they walked over to their respective significant others all grabbing a cup of champagne putting their cups up, and in union saying "Happy Valentine's Day everyone!"

Before they all drank some champagne and gave their significant other a small kiss. The rest of the party went by smoothly, they played games, ate junk food, watched movies, they all played seven minutes in heaven excluding Blake as he decided to sit out for obvious reasons which everyone understood and didn't mind. So they compromised for him and instead made it that all he had to do was cuddle, to which he gladly accepted as he absolutely loved cuddles.

Once it became night they all said their goodbyes making sure to plan to meet up the next day before everyone left Blake and Noah's home. Noah had just finished washing all the dishes when Blake went back inside after throwing away all the trash. They sat down on the sofa, Blake laying his head on the others lap, "Best day ever." Noah smiled, "I'm glad you liked today, now c'mon it's time to sleep."

Blake groaned sitting up frowning, "M' not sleepy anymore though.." Noah took the other hand kissing it, "We can cuddle! As long as you fall asleep." Blake stayed quiet before nodding. They went back upstairs to their room both changing into some clothes to sleep in. Blake choosing one of Noah's shirts which was clearly big for him along with some shorts. Noah wore some simple sweatpants and a black shirt. Both got in their bed Noah spooning Blake as he buried his head in the others neck.

Noah began rubbing circles in Blake's back knowing it always helped him sleep and/or calm down. "Goodnight Blake, I love you." Blake stayed quiet, smiling to himself a bit feeling his face go a bit red before saying back, "Goodnight, I love you to."


If there are any spelling mistakes apologies about that! It's 12:19 am for both admins so 😅 we'll fix spelling mistakes later

But anyways we hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

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