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"I love what I can't see. What's expected of you, what's expected of me?" - Jack Stauber [ Dead Weight ]

Warning(s): none

3rd person pov

Noah groaned in content as his final class finally ended. He was now free to go home and sleep the rest of the time. Well, that would be true if he hadn't promised Alex that he would stay after school to watch the cheer rally. Although he really just wanted to get back home, he didn't mind staying behind to watch Alex, as Christa and Jay would be there as well.

He made his way to the gymnasium seeing that the other three were already there and talking amongst eachother. "Hey guys!" He yelled out waving at them smiling, "Noah you came!" Alex smiled and ran jumping on him. Noah almost tipped over but he caught himself and caught Alex to make sure he didn't fall. "Yup I came" he laughed, Alex said nothing and just hugged him. "So when did you all get here?" He asked, "Well I came with Alex since we had our last class together. Brittney just got out of school so she drove over, and Jay also finished his classes a few hours ago so he also drove here." Christa explained.

"What school do you two go to?" "Quinn High." Brittney answered, "Dark Knights High." Jay then said, "Girls! Boys! It's time to get ready!" The cheer coach yelled out, "I gotta go!" Alex jumped off of Noah saying goodbye to them three and running inside the gym towards the locker rooms.

"So we just wait out here until they're ready...?" "Nope we go inside now they're all just changing and getting ready!" They all headed inside and sat down in the benches. "So Jay-" "Hold that- I'll be back in a sec." "But it's about to start in a few minutes..?" Jay stood up sighing and running his hand through his hair in a sort of frustrated mood, "I know I know. I'll be quick. Just gotta send a quick message." He said walking towards the exit and leaving the gym.

There were only 8 minutes until the cheer rally started so he really needed to be quick. "Talking about messages i should check mine.." Christa nodded as she began talking to some other students. Noah took out his phone from his sweater pocket and saw he had a few messages from Blake.

Future husband 😘💖✨

Hi to you as well Noah :)
And thanks.
Also I'm sorry, but I'm not going back home, until the following month...
For personal reasons.
Again I'm sorry...

'Wait- What?!'

Oh- I um-
Shit. I'm sorry I don't know what to really say.
But I um.
I hope that for whatever reason that you need to stay, I hope everything goes well :)
Sent ✔️

'Fuck.' Noah turned his phone off. "You okay...?" Christa asked looking worried, "Yeah it just-" "Sorry guys Im back." Jay suddenly said sitting back down besides Noah. "Ah welcome back Jay!" She smiled, "You can just tell me later!" Christa whispered to Noah who just nodded.

Music started, then the cheer rally started, the girls cartwheeling towards the center along with then the males jogging with some girls besides them. There was one group of four. Alex was in one of those groups, he was standing in the middle, while he had one male behind him, and two other besides him. Along with a girl in front of him. On beat of the music the two males besides along with the one behind him sort of got on their knees holding Alex's waist.

They pulled him up a bit and they pushed him up, along with Alex jumping, the males besides him turned over to face the audience while holding Alex's feet while Alex posed. The rest of the team all posed as well as the music came to a stop.

Everyone began clapping and applauding them as they carefully set Alex back down. The coach thanked everyone for going to the rally as she started explaining about their upcoming cheer competition, along with some other sports news.

Mini timeskip

Alex came out running from the locker rooms jumping into Jays arms smiling. "Thank you guys for staying to watch the rally!" "Of course Alex! You were amazing!" Alex jumped off of Jay and thanked Christa smiling. They all decided to head down to a local café and hand out for a while, there Noah would tell them how Blake decided to stay in Japan for another month.

So he told them and- "WHAT?!" Alex and Christa yelled out at the exact same time, catching the attention of everyone in the café. Giving them confused looks, "S-Sorry...!" They sat back down embarrassed. "So he's staying for a month...?!" Christa whisper yelled, "Yeah. He said it was for personal reasons so I didn't question him."

"But how will you ask him out...?" "We could try to convince him to come back before prom." Jay added, "I mean we were all planning on renting a house for the week and have our own private prom there." Christa nodded, "We already talked to the landlord and he agreed to let us rent it for pretty cheap as long as we didn't break anything!" Noah thought about it. For started, he didn't want to pressure Blake into coming back, but he also really wanted him to come back.

"Alright. We can try to convince him to come back, but if he says no then we leave it at that. No forcing him got it?" He said. Everyone nodded in agreement as they continued to plan everything, again. But it was fun.

With Blake ( his POV )

Well he took the news better than I expected. But this is good, he doesn't mind. So. Yeah- Random thought but maybe I should get a tatto-


Hm? I grabbed my phone seeing as I had a text from, Diana.

Diana 🛹

Sorry about yesterday..y'know only wishing you good luck and then just disappearing...
I meant to catch up with you after the competition, but I had to do something last minute.
If you're up to it do you wanna meet up for coffee tomorrow...?

Sounds fun. I began to type back quickly since I felt extremely tired. Maybe from all the posing, and the skateboarding thing from yesterday.

Sounds good. Just tell me what time and where.

Diana is typing....

Great! I'll txt you where tomorrow ^^
Seen 10 seconds ago

Alright then, I should probably get some rest. Maybe I should tell Kata that I'm going somwhere tomorrow. Yeah, I'll tel him in the morning, I'm way to tired to do anything right now but sleep.

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