The House Guest pt. 1

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IT WAS TOO EARLY to be running off to the salvatore boarding house. Elena didn't care though, she was a girl in love. Leah on the other hand was stuck taking her since Elena's car was being used by Jeremy. 

"I'm waiting out here for five minutes and then I'm coming in if you aren't out!" I called out to Elena who ignored me and entered the house. "I must be the only one who still cares about school." I grumbled as I tiredly laid my head on the window. 

I almost dozed off as I waited for Elena to exit with Stefan. Five minutes seemed to pass by all to fast which meant it was now time to pull those two out of there. I muttered silent curses as I walked up the path to the house. As usual the door was unlocked. 

I was shocked as soon as I walked into the parlor. Damon had Elena pressed up against the wall. Upon closer observation I realized it wasn't Elena because her clothes had changed. 

"What the hell is going on here?" Stefan asked.

"It's too damn early for this." I said at the exact same time as Stefan spoke. 

"I don't know, you tell me. Is Katherine in the tomb or not?" She said, that's when it clicked, this was Katherine. 

Before I was able to say anything Stefan was speeding up the stairs. I looked to Damon who was pushed away by Katherine. Seeing two of me wasn't fun. Well an evil version of me. I already saw two on the daily, one of the down sides of being an identical twin. 

"I'm just glad she isn't trying to impersonate me." I said as I massaged my forehead. 

"Shouldn't you be offended?" Damon asked as I shook my head.

"So I can be pinned against the wall by you? No thanks I think I'll pass." I said as Damon smirked. 

"Don't worry you'll be enjoying that too some day." He said as I openly cringed. 

"I would throw up if I had anything in my stomach." I said as Damon looked smug. "Which reminds me. Breakfast please." I said as Damon rolled his eyes but complied with my request. 

By the time Damon had cooked me up some pancakes the whole Katherine and Elena situation had been cleared up. The five of us were now in the parlor. I sat back in a chair while enjoying my pancakes. 

"What is she doing here?" Elena asked. 

"When we killed Elijah, it broke the compulsion and freed the bitch from the tomb." Damon said. 

"How's that possible?" Stefan asked. 

"He's an Original. They have all sorts of special skills." Katherine said before coming closer to me and propping herself on one of the armrests of my chair. 

"I don't want you here. Get her out of here." Elena demanded as I silently ate. Honestly I had no problem with her being here unless she began causing trouble. "Leah, you want her gone right?" Elena said as I took another bite. 

"And that's why I like her better." Katherine said as I shook my head and swallowed the food in my mouth.

"I never said I wanted you here Granny. In fact it really doesn't matter to me unless you start messing with me." I said as she rolled her eyes at my granny comment. 

"You need me, Leah and Elena. You all do." She said as I scoffed.

"I don't think need is the right word." I said as I finished my plate.

"Like hell." Stefan said. 

"We all want the same thing...Klaus dead. Yet here you all are, running around like chickens with their heads cut off." Katherine said as slightly agreed with her statement. We really didn't know what else to do past this moment. 

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