Disturbing Behavior pt.2

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AS STEFAN AND LEAH entered Gloria's they noticed the two originals sitting by the bar. Gloria was busy chanting over some things on one of the tables. Klaus on the other hand watched the two walk further into the bar.

"You left us." Rebekah said with a pout.

"Yeah, sorry, retail therapy was making my head explode." Stefan said.

"Tell me about it." Klaus said before eyeing me. I wasn't sure how to ease into distracting him, if I just went fully into it he would suspect something.

"What she doing?" Stefan asked as he looked at Gloria.

"She's failing." Klaus said aloud.

"Well that's encouraging." I said as I walked over to the bar stool one seat down from Klaus so next to Rebekah.

"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on." Gloria said with her eyes still shut.

"So use me. I only wore it for a thousand years." Rebekah said as she stool up from beside me and walked over to Gloria.

"See? Now this one offers a solution." Gloria said, Rebekah perched herself on the edge of the table.

"All right, give me your hand sweetheart." Gloria said as Rebekah followed the instructions.

"She's uh, she's looking for the necklace huh?" Stefan said as I shifted in my seat. I wasn't sure how magic worked but hopefully she wouldn't be able to find it because she didn't know what it looked like.

"I can sense something." Gloria said with her eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed.

"Anta cotis syrum, anta cotis syrum..." Gloria began chanting before stopping abruptly.

"Well that's not creepy at all." I commented to Klaus.

Soon Gloria's eyes opened before she looked from Klaus to Stefan and finally to me. Her eyes seemed stuck on me.

"I found it." Gloria said. Well there goes our plan.

"So where is it?" Rebekah asked.

"It doesn't work like that doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends..." Gloria said as I clenched my fists together.

"Yes a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back," Rebekah said menacingly.

"Well I'll have to dive back in to get the details." She said as Klaus stood up.

"So dive." He said.

"I need more time." Gloria responded as Klaus walked over and leaned on the table she was sitting at. "And space. You're harshing my ju-ju" she said.

"We can wait." Klaus said.

"I'm sure you can but that's not what I asked." She said back. I took this as my cue to stand up.

"She's right, let's get out of here. More shopping?" I said while looking at Rebekah.

"We can-" Klaus started but I moved closer to him.

"I'll let you pick some stuff out for me..." I said to him. Klaus gave me a curious look. Shit was this my sign to add more onto my distraction or pull back. Was I laying it on too thick too quick?

"You know what why don't we just come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat." Stefan said, sweetening the deal for Klaus and Rebekah. Thankfully it worked because both originals followed us out of the bar.

"Wow so food tempted you but not being my stylist?" I said to Klaus, I needed to normalize this change in behavior otherwise he would catch on.

I knew not to underestimate Klaus. During his time in Mystic Falls he had proven that he was two steps ahead most times. And traveling with him this summer showed me just how paranoid he was. There was no doubt in my mind that he would be suspicious of this change. Lucky for me I could use him compelling my memories back to my advantage. I could maybe play on something like I had a crush on him in the time that we had known each other before everything and when he compelled me I forgot about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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