The Last Day pt. 2

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THERE WAS STILL MORE time left in that day. Leah intended to get the most out of the time she had left. She had been able to visit everyone she wanted to see that day which left her with one last thing to do.

The weight on my shoulders seemed to increase as I got closer. I wanted to make sure I did this before the transition process since I knew it wouldn't be easy. I didn't want to feel delirious while saying goodbye to my parents.

The cemetery was completely empty when I arrived. If I hadn't been kidnapped so many times and hung out with vampires and other supernatural creatures then maybe I would've been afraid of the empty cemetery while the sun was going down. I placed the fresh flowers at the grave before stepping back and sitting down.

"Hey guys..." I said slowly as I looked over their graves. "No easy way to say this but I'll be seeing you soon."

"I'm sorry if I wasn't all that you wanted me to be. If I had more time maybe I would change a few things. Maybe hang out with better company." I said referring to Damon. A part of me was so angry at what he had done but the other part of me wished he hadn't so I could've spent some of my last day with him.

"I hope there's something else after this. I don't know what happens after this but I hope there's some kind of peace. Please watch over the rest of the family. Elena's a little careless sometimes and Jeremy's figuring things out. As for Jenna, well she's doing the best she can and it's enough for me." I finished off. I spent about thirty more minutes just reflecting on my life and cleared my head.

Once it was dark I was trudging back to my car. I wasn't sure where to go now that he sun had gone down. The sacrifice was supposed to be tonight so maybe where Klaus was. I drove to where Alaric's apartment was. I had overheard Damon talking about it and knew he would be staying there.

As soon as I had parked I quickly got out and walked up to where Alaric's apartment was. I wasn't sure when the sacrifice was happening and I didn't want Klaus going after Elena. Thankfully the door was unlocked which allowed me to walk right in. I barely made it a step into the apartment before I was pinned up against a near by wall. I was winded for about five seconds due to the surprise and slight whiplash.

"Easy these are precious goods." I struggled to say as I was still recovering.

"My apologies love. Can't be too sure." Klaus said, I cursed myself as I felt something stir inside me at his accent. I think there was something terribly wrong with me. I found the man who was trying to kill me, attractive.

"Klaus I presume." I said as he smirked.

"The one and only," he said as I internally rolled my eyes. He didn't seem as intimidating as he did when he was in Alaric's body.

"I thought you'd be taller..." I mumbled.

"What?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Uh nothing. Anyways what time's this sacrifice. Kinda wanna get it over with if you don't mind." I said as he looked at me with a weird smirk.

"Awfully eager to be sacrificed."  Klaus said as I shrugged.

"Yeah well if that'll get you to leave town sooner, it would be my pleasure." I said as he chuckled. I internally wanted to swoon but externally my features remained stoic. He was trying to kill me, I shouldn't let him see anything other than my boring side.

"Well we have sometime before that happens. Care to join me for a drink?" He asked as he stepped away from me.

"I'm agreeing to have a drink. Not with you though. Just so we're clear." I said as he narrowed his eyes. I wasn't sure what it was about him but I wasn't afraid at this time. He was already going to kill me later, I could piss him off and get away with it for a little bit right?

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