Rose pt. 2

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IT WAS AN ODD feeling. Watching someone get decapitated in front of your very eyes was supposed to instill fear into you. But whatever Leah was feeling was beyond fear.

"You...!" Rose cried as she clutched the stairway railing.

"Don't, Rose, now that you are free." Elijah dismissed before turning back to Elena and I. I stepped in front of Elena once more.

"Come." He said as he motioned with his hand.

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena said as Elijah looked at us quizicaly.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" He asked as he appeared in front of us. My grip on Elena tightened as I remained where I was.

"We know that you need it and I know where it is." I said as Elijah looked between us once more.

"Yes?" He questioned further.

"I can help you get it." I said purposely saying I instead of we.

"Tell me where it is." He demanded as I shook my head.

"It doesn't work that way and something tells me you should know." I said as he found amusement in this.

"Are you negotiating with me?" He asked with an amused tone before looking to Rose for confirmation.

"It's the first I've heard of it" she choked out through her tears.

"What is this vervain doing around your neck?" He said once he had noticed the necklace I was wearing. Quicker than I could comprehend, he had yanked the necklace off my neck and thrown it somewhere before grabbing my shoulders and tugging me closer to him.

"Tell me where the moonstone is," he compelled. I felt all the will leave my body as I no longer had control of the information which left my mouth.

"It's in the tomb underneath the church ruins." I answered back like a zombie.

"What is it doing there?" He compelled some more.

"It's in there with Katherine." I responded.

"Interesting." Elijah said in thought.

"What was that?" Elijah questioned as we all heard glass breaking upstairs.

"I don't know." Rose said.

"Who else is in this house!" Elijah demanded.

"I don't know" Rose said. Elijah then grabbed both Elena and I in each arm. We were then directed up the stairs towards where the glass had broken. Rose followed behind.

"Woah watch it." I said as Elena and I were shoved into Rose's arms. If i'm being honest that actually did just slip out.

"Rose." Elijah said harshly.

"I don't know who it is!" Rose said once more.

"Up here." I heard, I could tell by the voice that it was Stefan.

"Down here." I heard Damon tease as they sped around the house. The speeding continued a few more times before Elena, Rose and I were separated. I ended up being pushed against the wall by Stefan who motioned for me to be quiet and handed me a vervain grenade. I quickly but quietly pulled out the stake that was strapped to my thigh.

"Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me." He paused dramatically. I had to give him points on that, it was timed phenomenally. "You can't. Do you hear that?" Elijah said as I heard the sound of wood breaking.

"I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls, I'm gonna count to three or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?" Elijah called out once more. Stefan let me go which allowed me to move to the top of the stairs.

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