Rose pt. 1

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IF THERE WAS EVER a time to panic now would've been a great one. Being kidnapped was something Leah never thought would end up happening to her. Then again half of the things that had been occurring recently were also things she wasn't expecting to happen. 

I was awoken by the sound of Elena pleading. My reaction time was definitely lacking due to the chloroform that had been used to knock me out. Finally when I was able to comprehend the situation my eyes bugged out of my head. 

"You're here too?" I asked Elena as she looked at me worriedly. 

"Please, she's hurt." Elena said as I fully registered that I was still wounded from last night. 

"I know. Just a little taste." The creepy guy at Elena's feet said before speeding over to me. I gasped as I pushed him back with whatever strength I had at the moment. Elena cried out from beside me but the guy didn't stop until someone else spoke up. 

"Trevor! Control yourself." The stren voice said as he pulled away. I sighed and moved back tiredly. 

"Great, vampires." I huffed out. Why was it that recently it was all about supernatural creatures. Like please universe can I catch a break. 

"What do you want with us?" I asked groggily from my spot on the couch. 

"Oh my god, you two look just like her." The lady said as I groaned. 

"Really, Katherine... again! Who hasn't she pissed off." I said as Elena stood up and began approaching the lady. As I noticed this I stood up from the couch to get her back. 

"But we're not. Please, whatever you-" Elena was cut off by the woman. 

"Be quiet!" She said.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert and that's my sister Leah; you don't have to do this." Elena tried again. 

"I know who you are, I said be quiet." The lady said in a more menacing tone. 

"Elena lets just go sit back down." I said lowly. Elena didn't listen. 

"What do you want?" She said as the lady finally lost it and backhanded Elena. I gasped at how hard she had hit her. Literally Elena's body went flying into the couch as she was knocked unconscious. 

"I want you to be quiet." The lady said before looking at me. "You want one too?" She questioned. I was at war with myself. Was I going to let her over power me because she was an evil vampire or was I going to fight back and suffer the same fate as Elena.

I kissed my teeth with my lips before taking a step back and motioning that I was locking my lips with an invisible key. I then watched the lady stalk out of the room before I turned around and knelt down beside Elena. I made sure she was fine before taking a seat on the floor. God I wish I had changed before I was kidnapped. 

Stefan's POV

"This has Katherine written all over it." I said as Damon and I stood outside of the high school. I had gotten a call from Jeremy earlier asking if Elena had slept over and if I had seen Leah. I hadn't seen either since last night and neither of them had turned up to school. 

"Katherine's in the tomb. Trust me; I'm the one who shut her in." Damon said surely as I narrowed my eyes slightly. 

"Did you?" I asked skeptically, it was no secret that Damon had some sort of feelings for Katherine even after finding out she wasn't in the tomb. It would come as no surprise if he still possessed some feelings. 

"Did I what, Stefan?" He shot back. 

"Well, I know the hold that Katherine has on you." I said to which he glared at me. 

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