Masquerade pt. 3

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AS LEAH REMAINED IN the Salvatore brothers company she realized that she should check in on her brother. He too was roped into this mess and was just trying to help. Deep in the pit of her stomach she felt as if something very bad was going to happen.

"I'm gonna go check up on Jeremy." I said as I attempted to leave the room.

"Ah ah ah," Damon tsked as he grabbed my shoulders and turned me back around.

"Remember our agreement. You need to remain by one of us at all times." He reminded me as I rolled my eyes.

"I need to check in on him, Damon." I said sternly as he shook his head.

"So send him a text. If he responds boom you know he's fine." He said as I huffed and shrugged off his arms from my shoulders.

"I think you forget not everyone's siblings can hold their own." I said as he adjusted his hidden stake.

"Trust me, Jeremy will be fine." Damon said as I looked at him skeptically. "He's got the ring on. Relax" He said as I glared at him slightly.

"And? Just because he's got that ring doesn't mean I'm okay with him dying." I said as Damon and I got caught in a staring contest until Stefan reentered the room.

"I think we're ready to go." Stefan said as I snapped out of the staring contest.

"I'll give little Gilbert the signal." Damon said as he looked away from me.

"You know this house has a ton of rooms..." I said as both brothers looked at me. "And you two somehow chose the room closest to the stairs and with see through doors. Good job." I said as Damon rolled his eyes at me.

"It's done." Damon said as I nodded.

"Well I'll catch you two later." I said as Stefan stepped in my way this time. "Aw come on. Do you two really want me in here while you're killing Katherine! Isn't that dangerous for me?!" I said as Stefan pondered on what I had said for a moment.

"I guess-" Stefan began but was cut off by Damon.

"What no! You let her leave and she'll get herself into some other kind of trouble." Damon said to Stefan before looking at me. "You're staying in here." He said seriously as I held my hands up in surrender and nodded.

I waited a few moments before Damon and Stefan were busy again before discreetly inching towards the exit of the room. I knew that once I was out I would be fine because Bonnie had most likely already put up the spell which would keep all vampires who entered that room in there. A few moments later Damon must have realized his mistake because as soon as he looked in my direction I had already stepped out of the room.

He sped to the entrance of the room but was stopped with the invisible barrier. I couldn't help but let the smirk crawl onto my face. I even laughed a little as he pressed his hand against the barrier and tried reaching through it.

"Well. This has been loads of fun Damon, but I do have to check up on my brother and you two have an ex to deal with. So I'll catch you later." I said as Damon's eyes got darker after each word that spilled out of my mouth.

"Get back in here or-"

"Or what?" I said with an even wider smirk. "Last I checked, you're stuck in there, and I, am out here." I said as Stefan came up beside Damon.

"Help me out here Stefan." Damon said but his eyes never wavered from mine.

"Just stay out of trouble please." Stefan pleaded as I smiled.

"Of course buddy. Anything for you." I said before winking at him and waving goodbye.

"Don't you dare." Damon said with the darkest look. I pursed my lips, I would definitely be in trouble for this later but hey for now I was good.

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