The Return pt. 1

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LEAH GILBERT WAS FINALLY home and she couldn't have been more distressed than she was at the moment. Upon entering Mystic Falls she had been informed that the Mayor was dead, not that she really cared for him much. One of her bestfriends, Caroline, was in the hospital. And her brother had just attempted suicide.

"Where the hell is he!" I demanded as I raced up the stairs of my childhood home. There was an alarming number of paramedics which made me grow even more frantic than before.

I finally made it to Jeremy's room and pushed past Elena who was standing next to who I suppose was Stefan. I crouched down in front of Jeremy who looked depressed but soon changed to shocked once he saw me. I didn't let him reminisce in the shock for long as I smacked him on the back of his head.

"What the hell Jeremy!" I yelled as tears threaten to make their way onto the surface but I masked my true emotions under anger. "How could you be so stupid!" I yelled some more.

"Leah, you need to calm down." Elena tried as I glared back at her.

"I'll deal with you later." I said Elena gulped and looked away. She had kept me updated on all things which had to do with Mystic Falls while I had been gone but the last week I had gone without a single word until tonight when I had informed her that I was coming home.

"How could you Jeremy?!" I yelled again as he swallowed thickly and looked down. A tear left his eye as he refused to meet my eyes. I signed as I looked away from him and took a breath. I was pretty shaken after I had lost my parents. Losing Jeremy would have broken me. It took me so long to recover from my parents passing. I couldn't go back there. I know it wasn't right for me to deal with his suicide attempt this way but I didn't know how.

I sighed quietly before sitting down next to Jeremy and bringing him into a hug. He needed someone right now and regardless of how angry I was at him for the stunt he had pulled I had to be there for him. I didn't know how to handle all this but did anyone?

"I love you Jer. Thank god you're okay." I whispered as I hugged him close to me.

"Are you going to leave again?" Jeremy asked as he too wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"No, not now. Not ever. I've been gone for too long and I'm sorry for that." I said back to him.

"You need to be at the hospital." I heard my sisters boyfriend say to her.

"But..." She said back.

"No, no, no, I'll stay here with Jeremy." He said back as she nodded.

"No, I don't need a babysitter." Jeremy argued as he pulled away from me a little.

"Yes, you do." Elena said as I pulled away from Jeremy.

"I'm sorry Jeremy but tonight you do." I said as he looked upset but didn't argue back. I was at a crossroad right now. My brother needed me but so did my best friend who was in the hospital currently.

"You should go too." Jeremy said as I hesitated.

"I should be here, I can go see her tomorrow." I said as Jeremy shook his head.

"Go, I'll be fine." He said as hesitantly nodded.

"If I come back and you're dead I swear to god Jer I'll murder you." Jeremy was about to say something but I cut him off with a glare. I then decided to approach Stefan who was standing next to Elena. Elena looked nervous as I approached them.

"An introduction is an order, I'm Leah." I said as I stuck my hand out for Stefan to shake. He nodded and shook my hand.

"Stefan, I've heard a lot about you. You're Elena's twin but you're older right?" He asked as I nodded.

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