Daddy Issues pt. 1

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WHO KNEW WHAT THE next day would hold. One thing was for sure and that was Leah was already having a terrible day. The one man who she was supposed to love, she hated.

"It's been a while since I last saw you Leah, how have you been?" John said as I scowled harder before taking a sip of my coffee. Today was one of the rare days where I preferred black coffee versus the usual with milk and sugar.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?" Elena spoke up as I silently thanked her. I was well aware that he was my biological father and instead of telling me face to face after not seeing me for years he opted to ask me some question a distant relative would.

"I'm here to protect you two. That's all I can say for the moment." He said as I scoffed at the 'protect' part.

"Is something funny?" John asked as he looked at me.

"Yes actually. You're about as useful as a rock, I haven't seen you in years and now all of a sudden you want to protect us against an ancient evil vampire?" My attitude was justified and definitely noticeable. "You're out of your league." I said before getting up and dumping out my coffee before leaving the kitchen.

I heard John call my name but there was no way in hell I was going back after that amazing exit. That along with the fact that I couldn't stand the second to last blood relative I had left. Isobel didn't count she was dead.

"Hey good morning." Jenna said to me as we passed each other on the stairs.

"What's good about it." I responded with a scowl as I continued up the stairs. Alaric seemed surprised, he had only ever seen me happy or neutral never in this mood.

"Teenagers" Jenna said before awkwardly laughing and continuing down the stairs with Alaric.

My intention wasn't to be dramatic at all but that's what me slamming my door indicated. I just wanted John to know how unwelcomed he was here and my time with him in the kitchen wasn't enough to convey that message.

Speaking of message, I went ahead and opened my phone to see an '911 NOW' text from Caroline. I was really hoping this was some sort of fashion emergency but with everything that had been going on recently I knew it wouldn't be as simple. At least it would get me away from John for a while.

"Where are you going?" I heard John ask as I ran down the stairs fully dressed with my car keys in hand.

"None of your business!" I said before slamming the front door after myself. Soon enough I was parking and getting out of my car at Caroline's house.

"Stefan?" I asked as soon as I saw him hopping out of his little red sports car.

"Leah? Did Caroline text you too?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yup, 911 now in all caps, what about you?" I asked as I showed him the text.

"Same thing." He said as I nodded and we walked up to Caroline's door and knocked.

"Come in," Caroline said as soon as she opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Stefan asked.

"Tyler knows about you and Damon. He knows that Damon killed Mason. I didn't say a word." Caroline said as I blew out a long and loud breath. Stefan and Caroline both looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"It's that woman, Jules. She had a run-in with Damon." Stefan said.

"Okay how is that woman in town for all of five minutes and already causing so much trouble?" I asked as Caroline nodded with what I said.

"Tyler was so upset. The look on his face, he was so betrayed." Caroline said as I took a seat on one of the couches.

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