Masquerade pt. 2

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IT WAS THIS DAY in which Leah realized just how dependent her sister had become on seeing or dealing with the Salvatore brothers. The same definitely applied to Leah as she watched her sister continuously glance at her phone and ask Jeremy and Leah what their plans were that day. It seemed as if she trying to find something to do but couldn't.

"So are you going to the masquerade ball?" Elena asked as she peaked into my room. She seemed to have done this numerous times throughout the day.

"Uh yeah I am." I said as she walked in and sat down beside me on my bed.

"Oh, cool. Are you going alone?" She asked as I fake gasped and placed a hand over my heart.

"Are you implying that I'm incapable of getting a date?" I asked as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Shut up, that's not even close to what I said." She defended. "So, alone or with someone?"

"Surprisingly with someone." Definitely a lie but I knew if I said no one she would've asked to come along and that's exactly what I couldn't have.

"What? Really, who?"

"Oh uh Tim," why was that the first name that came to mind? I have no idea but I had to go along with it now.

"Who's Tim?"

"Who's Tim? Tim is this guy from my calc class. He and I had an assignment together and asked me last night if I wanted to go with him." I said, my story didn't feel believable but I had to sell it now.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elena asked.

"Well it wasn't really a big deal and we've kind of been dealing with a lot lately so it didn't really come to mind. Besides I never really got the chance. Remember I got stabbed." I said as she nodded.

"Does Damon know about this date?"

"Why would Damon need to know?"

"Please tell me you've noticed." She said as she looked at me. When my expression of confusion remained the same she sighed.

"He obviously has feelings for you." She said as I laughed and shook my head.

"No Elena he doesn't." I said as she widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me. He's always trying to be around you! He lets you get away with insulting him! Listens to you more than he does anyone else. He even visits you here." She said as I refused to believe it.

"Elena he doesn't okay. He just, he's confused. He liked Katherine and she rejected him. He liked you and same thing happened. I'm just his third and last option." I said as she shook her head.

"That's not how I see it." She said as I groaned. I had to be honest this conversation wasn't good for me. Everything she was saying was making my stomach flutter but also making my heart hurt.

"Okay well that's how I see it." I said before standing up. "I'm gonna go check on Jenna." I said before giving her a tight smile and heading to my door.

"Look Leah I know you like him." Elena said as I turned around.

"Okay now you're really reaching." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at her.

"No I'm not, I'm your sister Leah. I know you better than most people. You don't need to put up a front with me." She said as I scowled.

"I'm not putting on up a damn front. I don't like him." I said as she smiled.

"You do. I know you do. It's okay, you may not have admitted it to yourself yet but you will. And when you do I'll be here." She said.

"Yeah okay sure whatever. That's never going to happen because I don't like him. Now could you leave I need to start getting ready." I said as she smirked.

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