Kill or Be Killed pt. 1

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THERE SEEMED TO NEVER be an off day in Mystic Falls. There was always some sort of event going on. Never just a lazy day, and for people like Leah that was hard.

"I can't believe Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf." Jeremy said as he, Elena, and I were in the bathroom getting ready for the day.

"Actually we aren't sure about Tyler yet but his hot uncle..." I trailed off as I plucked some hair from my eyebrow. I stopped when I noticed both Jeremy and Elena were looking me.

"Hey you're lying to yourself if you say otherwise." I said as I gave Elena a pointed look. "Basically, Mason is for sure a werewolf." I said as I went back to my plucking.

"It should be easy enough for us to figure it out." Jeremy said as I stopped plucking again and looked at him as Elena did as well.

"There was a mistake in what you just said, there is no us Jer" I said as he scowled.

"We said that we wouldn't keep things from you anymore. That doesn't mean that we want you involved in it." Elena said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"By definition of being in this family, I'm involved." He said as I quirked an eyebrow.

"I don't see why you want to be involved, if I could go back to not knowing that would be pretty great, but I can't." I said, while Elena didn't back me up I knew she agreed as well.

"This is dangerous, Jeremy. You have to stay out of it, okay?" Elena said as Jeremy uncrossed his arms.

"Alright. Just saying." He said before he left the bathroom.

"I should go change. I'll meet you downstairs in a bit." I said before exiting through Elena's room. As I was leaving I noticed Stefan pop in.

"Morning Stefan." I said as he smiled. I then walked across the hall to my room. Elena and Jeremy shared a bathroom and sometimes I decided to get ready with Elena. Could you blame me, sometimes I felt isolated because I didn't share a bathroom with them. Weird I know but it was definitely a thing.

"Boo!" Someone said right as I exited my closet with the clothes I was planning on wearing today. I gasped as I looked around and found Damon laying on my bed.

"Oh no, get out, I'm not dealing with you until I actually have to!" I said as I walked over and pulled him off my bed. He was definitely allowing this to happen because if he wanted to resist he would still be on my bed.

"Damn, should've announced my presence a few minutes later, maybe then I would've gotten a full show." Damon said as he lazily let me pull him to my window.

"You wish, creep." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"I do, with all my heart. Although I've seen granny kathy naked, can't imagine you would be much different. You know doppelganger and all." Damon said as I immediately felt offended. Sure she looked exactly like me but I didn't want to be reminded of that. She was evil!

"You'd have better luck with granny kathy than you would me. Now be a good boy and go back out the same way you came in!" I said as I pointed at my window.

"Till later today then." Damon said as I narrowed my eyes and pointed at my window once more. He gave me a slow once over with his eyes before flashing out of my room through the window. Once he was out I locked the window and drew the curtains before changing.

Soon enough enough Elena and I were at the park which was being built by the entire town. The two of us had separated. Elena was 'avoiding' Stefan and hanging around Caroline more to make the whole scene more believable as I remained with Stefan. I was given the role of the supporting sister.

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