The Last Dance pt. 1

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LEAH HAD NEVER ACTUALLY shared a bed with Damon for an entire night. Which is why she was surprised to see Damon passed out beside her when she woke up. In order to avoid the awkward morning tension she quietly got up and dressed for the day in the bathroom.

"Good morning." I heard as soon as I stepped out of the bathroom. I gasped out in surprise, somehow it had slipped my mind that he could still be in here.

"Damn it Damon, don't scare me so early." I said as he smirked.

"You scare easily." He said as i shook my head.

"Actually I don't, but seeing you so early would be frightening for anyone." I said as he frowned.

"Don't pretend like you wouldn't love to have your way with me." He said as I suddenly remembered he had a girlfriend. What had happened to her anyway.

"If I could have my way with you Damon, you wouldn't be breathing." I said as he smirked.

"Ooh kinky." He said with a wink as I pointed to the door.

"Get out." I said as he shook his head.

"It's my house, I don't have to do anything." He said as I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"It won't be for long." I said as he frowned.

"Speaking of which, I'm sure the lawyer should be here soon." I said before exiting the room. I met Elena and Stefan downstairs for breakfast while Damon was getting ready I'm assuming.

"Morning lovebirds." I said as I took a seat across from them.

"Could say the same for you." Stefan said as he rose an eyebrow.

"Could you though? I'm not in love with any bird." Elena exchanged a look with Stefan before looking at me.

"You two spent the night together?" She asked, I wasn't sure if she was happy about that or not.

"Not exactly as you two might be thinking. We fell asleep on the same bed after he annoyed me to exhaustion." I said before grabbing myself two pancakes from the stack.

"Good morning Brother, Elena, roomie." Damon said with a wink as he arrived in the dining room.

"We're not roomies." I said as he walked up beside me and looked down at my plate. A frown quickly settled onto his features.

"I didn't make those." He said as he pointed to the pancakes on my plate.

"Yes and?" I asked ready to drench the pancakes in syrup.

"And you can't eat them." He said before grabbing my plate away from me and heading off.

"Hey!" I protested as I followed him. "Give me my breakfast back!" I said as he led me into the kitchen. Damon was quick to open up the trash can and dump the pancakes in there.

"What gives? That was such a waste!" I said as Damon shushed me and began grabbing ingredients.

"Those were trash, trust me. Stefan does not know how to make proper pancakes." Damon said as he motioned for me to grab a seat.

"And you do?" I shot back as he clutched his heart dramatically.

"I'm offended that you say that, especially after you've had my legendary pancakes. Multiple times now might I add." Damon began preparing the pancake batter as I helped myself to some coffee.

"Your pancakes are good but I haven't tried Stefans. How am I supposed to know that the other is better if I haven't tried both." I said as he rolled his eyes.

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