The Sacrifice pt. 2

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LEAH NEVER REALLY KNEW what trouble she could get herself into until that day. How could anyone willingly put themselves in such a bad situation. But here she was, doing exactly that. 

Once I had finished staring out of the window I had decided to make myself some hot chocolate. It was one of the few things which could bring me comfort in such a time. 

"Hey Alice, where did you say the cocoa powder was?" I yelled through the apartment. 

"Try the left cabinet." Came a voice from behind me. 

"Did you just go through puberty or something, because your voice sounds awfully... deep." I said as I turned around. I almost gasped at seeing Damon. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked as I thought quick and looked around. 

"Uhh, starting up a hot cocoa stand... you want some?" I asked as he narrowed his eyes. I looked past him to see Rose walking in. I should've known I couldn't trust her. 

"You called him?!" I said angrily as Rose sighed and nodded. 

"I'm sorry, Leah." She said as I shook my head. 

"Apology not accepted. I thought we were having a moment! How could you sell me out!" I said as she looked away. The moment I got my hands on her... I would cause some sort of damage. 

"Well you weren't." Damon said. As I was about to respond, Alice walked out of the room she was in and towards us. Well Damon, she had this creepy starstruck expression. 

"Damon Salvatore!" She said in disbelief. Yikes, she needed another hobby. 

"Get rid of her." Damon said to Rose who grabbed Alice and began leading her away. 

"Wow, you actually have a fan." I said as we both looked at her. 

"Yeah I know, you." He said, no matter how mad he seemed I knew he couldn't stand letting me make a comment without saying something back.

"Ew, never," I said with a grimace. 

"No... way!" Alice got out before she was back in the room with Rose. 

"So... no hot cocoa?" I tried pathetically as Damon stepped forward menacingly. 

"Come on. We're leaving." He said as I shook my head. 

"No." I said definiantly. 

"I said we're leaving." He grounded out as I childishly shook my head and crossed my arms. 

"You said we're leaving, I didn't." I said as he got up in my face. 

"You do not get to make decisions anymore." He said as I widened my eyes in disbelief. He wants to talk about decisions, alright let's talk about decisions. 

"When do I ever get to my make my own decisions?! You and Stefan do that for Elena and I! She may be okay with it but I'm not! This decision is my own and I'm sticking with it!" I said as he glared at me. If I wasn't so fired up I might actually be scared.

"Who's gonna save your life while you're out making decisions?" Damon said as I felt frustration build up inside me. 

"Read my lips, Damon. I don't want to be saved!" I said as he looked directly at my lips. This was the wrong time to be thinking it but he was totally hot, and so was his intense stare. "I can't not do this, especially if it means everyone I care about is going to die at the hands of Klaus because of me." I said as Damon looked about done with my rants. 

"Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself." He said seriously as I took a step back with wide eyes. I would've loved to think that he wouldn't but I knew he would. 

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