The Birthday pt. 1

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IT HAD BEEN A long summer. Almost unbearable for Leah. The only reason it wasn't completely unbearable was because of Stefan. Leah and Stefan had gotten this far due to each other.

"You understand the plan love?" Klaus asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I do, I'm not stupid. You want me to pretend to be a whore." I said as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"I said my girlfriend." Klaus said as I looked at him innocently.

"Yeah, isn't that what I said?" I asked as his eyes glinted with something else. I probably should've been cautious around him but he hadn't killed me yet and I think deep down he liked my attitude. Just like everyone else.

"Behave when we get there and I'll give you something you've been wanting." Klaus said as I scrunched up my features.

"Ew if this is some weird innuendo I'll pass, I don't want fleas and I'm not into pedophiles." I said as he rolled his eyes. It was funny how I would be okay with making an exception for Elijah or hell even Damon but never Klaus. I had morals.

"Lets go." Klaus said before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"If your hands go south of the equator, I will kill you." I said dead serious as Klaus smirked.

"I'd like to see you try love but you have my word." Klaus said before speeding us to the house.

We stopped right behind a lady that was picking something up off the ground. This was so creepy. I hated being part of this.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus said in the most awful American accent once the lady jumped in surprise. I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from laughing.

"Can I help you?" She asked as she looked between the two of us skeptically. Honestly girl me too. This guy was a homicidal maniac. I'm sure any girl could pick up on that vibe from a mile away. Ew I wonder what kind of damage this was doing to my vibe hanging around this old creep.

"Yeah, our car hmm, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. Eh I feel like I've been walking forever, yours is the first house I came to so I was just hoping we could use your phone?" Klaus asked as the woman narrowed her eyes at us.

"Don't you guys have a cell phone?" She asked.

"Huh, yeah... battery died." Klaus said as he showed her his phone which was indeed dead. The woman then looked at me.

"Oh uh yeah mine is also dead." I said not bothering to actually pull out my phone.

"Look we promise we're not serial killers, we just want to use your phone." Klaus said which made me mentally face palm. If this girl was actually smart she would definitely go back inside where she was safe. Any person who says they aren't a serial killer without being prompted to do so, definitely are.

"Sure." The woman said after a sigh. I felt pity for her as I knew what was going to happen.

"Soo, I can come in?" Klaus asked all creepy like.

"No, I'll get the phone and bring it out to you." She said, I guess she was kind of smart.

"I thought you country folks were supposed to be more trusting." Klaus said now loosing his fake accent.

"I'm from Florida." The woman said back.

"Well that explains it." Klaus said before letting me go and speeding to the woman and grabbing her throat before compelling her. "Now show me a little southern hospitality. Sweet pea." Klaus said as I clenched my jaw.

The urge to go back to the car was overwhelming but the bigger part of me stayed. For some twisted reason I thought my say would have any effect on Klaus' decisions. Time and time again I had been proven wrong but that didn't seem to stop me. What kind of person would I be if I just gave up?

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