Daddy Issues pt. 2

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MANY PARENTS ENROLL THEIR sons and daughters in a variety of after school programs. Lucky for Leah her's was karate, unlucky for her, she had forgotten all of it. Hopefully the motivation of saving her best friend would be enough to help defend herself.

"Well then..." Damon said before rushing over to Jules who flipped up onto the roof of the RV. Stefan faced two other werewolves. I on the other hand was just standing there until a werewolf approached me.

"Finally." I said as the man walked closer to me with a smirk on his face. He really thought this would be easy. I gripped the stick harder as he smirked more and threw a punch at me. I lowered myself to dodge it before moving to the side and bringing my leg up. I kicked the man hard on his stomach.

He wasn't fazed much by it but that didn't matter. I brought my foot up and down hard onto the mans foot before bringing my knee up and connecting it with his groin. The man fell over in pain.

"I didn't even need the stick." I said before beginning to walk away but at the last moment the man grabbed my ankle from the ground and pulled me down. I let out a short scream as I landed. The man climbed up my body on the ground but thankfully I still hand the stick which I swung around hitting him in the eye.

I was about to go in for another hit when the man was pulled up and off me by Damon who then ripped the man's heart out. I threw the stick away deeming it useless now. Damon stuck his hand out to help me up which I accepted.

"You ready to go again?" Damon asked slightly out of breath. I felt his breath fan my face but I had to shake my head of all those thoughts. Now was not the time.

"Don't really have a choice." I said before departing from Damon. The odds didn't seem to be in our favor, I got distracted when I saw Caroline exit the RV. One of the werewolves grabbed me and held me against them with a pocket knife to my neck. I struggled as much as I could with the knife still up to my neck but nothing was working.

Just when I thought all hope was lost the man holding me let go and fell to the ground while clutching his head in pain. I looked around confused and noticed all there werewolves were doing the same thing.

"What's happening?" Caroline asked.

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler asked as well.

Out of nowhere a man walked out of the woods. It was clear he was doing this but why?

"Elijah made a promise to Leah and Elena. I'm here to see it's upheld. You need to go. Get out of here. Now." The man said, this must've been one of the witches working with Elijah. I knew that handsome hunk would look out for me.

"Wait." I said before bending down to grab the pocket knife which that stupid werewolf had held against my throat. I gripped it tightly before bending down to the werewolf and stabbing the knife into his leg and leaving it there. "Okay, we can go now." I said before leaving with Stefan, Damon, and Caroline.

"That was a close one." I joked once I was done consoling Caroline.

"Tell me about it." Stefan said as I smiled. Thank god someone else was in the same mood as myself and not completely quiet. I couldn't ever be completely quiet, well I could but that involved heavy trauma and what not.

"It was cool tag teaming with you today Stefanator!" I said as he nodded.

"We should do it again." Stefan said as I beamed and nodded enthusiastically.

"For sure! But let me brush up on my karate before." I said, I had every intention to revamp those insane karate skills of mine.

"Stefan take Caroline the rest of the way, we'll catch up." Damon said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop.

"What no! I mean, we can just call about whatever it is you want to say." I said quickly hoping he would let me leave but I knew that was highly unlikely.

"Stefan go." Damon said seriously. I sighed quietly before nodding for Stefan and Caroline to leave.

"So... what did you want to talk about?" I asked trying my hardest to stall.

"Cut the bullshit, what happened today will not be happening again." Damon said as he looked directly into my eyes. I was sure if he was trying to be intense and serious or compel me.

"I'm actually a little confused as to what you're referring too."

"Lying to me today, refusing to leave when I told you too. Spending the day with Stefan secretly." Damon listed as I frowned.

"First of you have all of that wrong. I lied to you today because Stefan and Caroline asked me too. They along with myself didn't want you to kill Tyler. As for refusing to leave, Caroline is my best friend. I don't give a damn what the situation is I would fight tooth to nail for her!" I said before taking a breath.

"As for spending the day with Stefan, it was all so we could talk to Tyler. I don't even see why that's an issue. Stefan's my friend and I can hang out with him whenever I want." I finished as Damon looked irritated.

"Don't lie to me again." He snapped.

"Don't tell me what to do." I retorted.

"Why can't you just listen to me? Why do you always have to argue." He let out as I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you always get to tell me what to do? I'm my own person. Now it's clear we aren't getting anywhere with this conversation so I'll be going now." I said as Damon rolled his eyes now.

"We're going the same way genius." Damon said causing me to let out an awkward laugh.

"Right..." I said before continuing to walk silently alongside Damon. There were moments when I could tell he was looking at me as we walked but I pretended as if I didn't notice.

It was just too complicated with Damon. I wasn't sure if he actually liked me or was just obsessed with the way I looked. Either way his actions confused me. One second he was sweet and caring the next he was mean and closed off and other than that he was screwing someone else.

There was no telling with him and maybe that's what I was intrigued by, but I thought with my head. And that's what kept me from making the mistake of falling for him. I was thankful for that.

"I hope I didn't miss too much." I said as I walked to Stefan who was waiting outside of my car alone.

"Where's Caroline? I was gonna have her come stay at my place." I said as Stefan smiled a little.

"We're thinking the same thing. Let's go get Elena and Bonnie." Stefan said as I smiled back. He truly was a great friend. If only I could find a Stefan for myself, my life would be much easier.

"Hop in buddy!" I said before jogging over to the driverside.

The two of us drove to my place and grabbed Elena and our things before getting back in and scooping up Bonnie. The four of us then drove to Caroline's.

"Hey." Caroline said as she opened the door.

"Hey bestie!" I said as she smiled back weakly.

"What's going on?" She asked as she looked between Stefan and I.

"We were a bit worried about you, after everything you went through tonight." Stefan said as I nodded.

"I'm fine." Caroline said.

"Good. But, just in case, we brought some back up." Stefan said before moving aside to show Bonnie and Elena carrying our things.

"We're having a slumber party!" I squealed with enough excitement for all five of us. "Well not Stefan. Sorry buddy." I said before Bonnie spoke up.

"We haven't done it in ages." She said before we all bid Stefan goodbye and entered Caroline's house.

"What should we do first?" I asked as the three of us set up inside Caroline's room.

It was the first time in a while that I could say I was glad things ended the way that they did. Not the Caroline getting hurt part just the cute little sleepover.

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