A Brave New World pt. 1

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LEAH WISHED SHE COULD'VE slept in that morning but school was now an issue as well. She knew Jenna would've been pissed if she disregarded school so she found it in herself to get up and go. Visiting Caroline was something she also wanted to do but apparently setting up for the school carnival was a necessity.

"Katherine looked just like you two. Well more like Leah, just because of the hair. Hers resembles yours more than Elena's. It was freakish." Bonnie explained as we walked passed the booths set up.

"She is our ancestor. Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria." Elena said as I walked alongside them.

"Your vampire ancestor and she didn't just resemble you guys like a family member would. She was you." Bonnie said as she looked between Elena and I.

"I don't know, I can't explain it. It's creepy, that's all I got." Elena said as I huffed.

"It's a handful is what it is. Sure she hasn't directly threatened me yet but I don't need another person running around looking like me. It's already bad enough that you do." I stressed as Elena rolled her eyes.

"We're twins get over it." She said as I gently shoved her.

"I refuse to get over it. My face was supposed to be unique. Only to later find out that there's more than one person who shares my face." I said as Elena rose an eyebrow.

"Is that really you're biggest concern right now?" Bonnie said as I looked over at her in fake disbelief.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have this issue." I told Bonnie before went back to serious.

"How do you know she's not still out there pretending to be one of you?" She asked as I shrugged.

"We don't. But hey her life must be really boring if she's trying to pretend to be one of us." I said as Bonnie cracked a smile.

"I could sit here and be tortured by the not-knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss." Elena said as I looked at Bonnie.

"And you thought my priorities were misplaced."

"Have you talked to Damon since he killed Jeremy or tried to kill Jeremy?" She asked Elena.

"No Bonnie, I haven't and I won't and I don't want to talk about Damon or anything else that's vampire related okay?" Elena said before looking at me. "And you should stay away from Damon too. You know for your safety and all." She said.

"Hey I'm in no rush to be in his company. I don't know him and I don't want to know him." I said as Elena nodded, content with my answer. Sure he was hot but he was psychopath brother killer. I didn't need any of that near me.

"I'm human. And I have to do human stuff. Otherwise, I'm going to go crazy." Elena stressed before telling me that Stefan wanted to talk to me. I nodded before walking off to find him.

"Hey Stefan, Elena said you wanted to see me." I said as caught up with him just as Jeremy departed from him. "And what were you and Jeremy just talking about?" I asked as he smiled and got something out of his pocket.

"Just gave him some tips on getting by with vampires around and whatnot. Speaking of which, it's kind of overdue but here." Stefan said as he handed me a necklace. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"If this is like a friendship offering or something I don't really need it. I consider you a friend even after only knowing you for two days. You've been there for Jeremy and Elena when I wasn't." I said as he smiled but handed me the necklace once more.

"Not really a friendship offering. I consider us friends as well but this is to protect you from vampires." He said as I accepted the necklace.

"Protect me how?"

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